我有一个宏 (CMOV),它调用另一个子程序 (CMOV2),它检查一个条件,如果满足,显示一个 vbokaycancel 消息框,我将它设置为一个名为 irep 的变量,
如果有人点击取消(irep = 2)以取消整个宏,我想要它。那不仅是退出CMOV2,而且是退出CMOV。
If jackal(1) <> vbNullString Then
irep = MsgBox("Warning: You have a selection with two swingarms" _
& " that are on the same radius and cannot swing past one another " _
& Chr$(13) & " Choose Okay if you still wish to proceed otherwise " _
& " choose Cancel to revise your order" & Chr$(13) & " " _
& jackal(1) & Chr$(13) & " " & jackal(2), vbOKCancel)
**If irep = 2 Then
Exit Sub**
Else: End If
Else: End If
End Sub
在子程序结束时。问题是即使退出 CMOV2,CMOV 仍会继续运行。有没有办法结束这个子,以及调用它的那个?