In Xcode, whenever I want to use a file (in C or C++ specifically), I have to specify the full path to the file, whereas with gcc or g++, I do not have to if it is in the same directory as the code referencing it.

Is there a reason to why this is? And if so, is there a way to fix it?


3 回答 3




于 2013-09-13T17:01:25.110 回答

Click on the little folder icon above the Navigator, i.e., the panel at the left of the XCode window. This should let you see what files and products are part of your project. There is a folder that says "Products." Expand that folder by clicking on the triangle to its left. You will see your executable (the icon looks like a terminal window). Control-click on that and choose "Reveal in Finder" to open the folder that actually contains the executable. That's the directory you need your files to be in for XCode to find them the way GCC does.

于 2013-09-13T17:16:55.480 回答

原因是有一个“当前工作目录”的概念。所以你的 fopen()s 等从那里开始。在 unix 中,在 shell 中,CWD 是您的当前目录。从 MacOS 的终端窗口启动命令行工具也是如此。但是,当您从 Xcode 开始或启动应用程序时,CWD 就在其他地方。


于 2013-09-13T17:03:37.107 回答