For a Rails app, I tried running $ bundle install
. But, even after I ran $ gem install bundler
, I got the same message.
this is what happened:
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
Davids-iMac-2:213calendar davidburton$ bundle install
ERROR: Gem bundler is not installed, run `gem install bundler` first.
Davids-iMac-2:213calendar davidburton$ gem install bundler
Successfully installed bundler-1.3.5
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.3.5...
Installing RDoc documentation for bundler-1.3.5...
Davids-iMac-2:213calendar davidburton$ bundle install
ERROR: Gem bundler is not installed, run `gem install bundler` first.
rvm list
rvm rubies
ruby-1.9.2-p290 [ x86_64 ]
=* ruby-1.9.3-p374 [ x86_64 ]
# => - current
# =* - current && default
# * - default