@keyframes 有问题。它适用于 Chrome 和 Opera,但某些元素(big.h 类或 p)无法在 Firefox(最新版本 23.0.1)中生成动画。有趣的是,每个前缀都以相同的方式编写(-webkit-、-o- 或简单的@keyframes)图像动画正确。它是经过修改的视差内容滑块。我将非常感谢您的帮助。

HTML 代码:

<div id="ja-topsl" class="clearfix">
        <div id="da-slider" class="da-slider">
            <div class="da-slide">
                <span class="big_h">Skrypt portalu informacyjnego</span>
                <p>Uniwersalny skrypt zawierający wszystkie niezbędne elementy do prowadzenia serwisu informacyjnego. Rozbudowane narzędzia redakcyjne, tematyczne forum, ogłoszenia, dział TV. Modyfikacja i wprowadzanie nowych treści jest proste i intuicyjne.</p>
                <a href="portal-informacyjny-skrypt.html" class="da-link">Zobacz demo skryptu</a>
                <a href="serwisy-tematyczne-skrypty.html" class="da-link1"><strong>lub sprawdź inne skrypty tej kategorii</strong></a>
                <div class="da-img"><img src="templates/interactiv/slider/images/produkt.png" alt="Skrypt portalu informacyjnego" /></div>
            <div class="da-slide">
                <span class="big_h">Projektowanie responsywne</span>
                <p>Zdecydowana większość projektów sklepów i stron WWW to layouty responsywne. Oznacza to, że projekty te dostosowane są do optymalnego wyświetlania na urządzeniach typu desktop, tablet oraz na ekranach telefonów komórkowych.</p>
                <a href="projekty_responsywne.html" class="da-link">Przeglądaj projekty</a>
                <div class="da-img"><img src="templates/interactiv/slider/images/produkt2.png" alt="Projektowanie responsywne" /></div>
            <div class="da-slide">
                <span class="big_h">Skrypt serwisu finansowego</span>
                <p>Intuicyjny portalowy wygląd, forum, działy tematyczne, informacje z banków, kursy oraz wykresy giełdowe. Możliwość sprzedaży produktów finansowych bezpośrednio w serwisie oraz zarabiania na reklamie kontekstowej i programach partnerskich.</p>
                <a href="portal-finansowy-skrypt.html" class="da-link">Zobacz demo skryptu</a>
                <a href="serwisy-tematyczne-skrypty.html" class="da-link1"><strong>lub sprawdź inne skrypty tej kategorii</strong></a>
                <div class="da-img"><img src="templates/interactiv/slider/images/produkt3.png" alt="image01" /></div>
            <nav class="da-arrows">
                <span class="da-arrows-prev"></span>
                <span class="da-arrows-next"></span>

CSS 代码:

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.da-slider-fb .da-slide .da-img{
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.da-slide .da-link1:hover{
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.da-slider:hover .da-arrows span{
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.da-arrows span:after{
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.da-arrows span:hover:after{
.da-arrows span:active:after{
.da-arrows span.da-arrows-next:after{
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.da-arrows span.da-arrows-prev{
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.da-arrows span.da-arrows-next{
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.da-slide-current .big_h,
.da-slide-current p,
.da-slide-current .da-link,
.da-slide-current .da-link1{
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.da-slide-current .da-img{
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    opacity: 1;
/* Animation classes and animations */

/* Slide in from the right*/
.da-slide-fromright .big_h{
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    animation: fromRightAnim1 0.6s ease-in 0.8s both;
.da-slide-fromright p{
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    animation: fromRightAnim2 0.6s ease-in 0.8s both;
.da-slide-fromright .da-link{
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    animation: fromRightAnim3 0.4s ease-in 1.2s both;

.da-slide-fromright .da-link1{
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    animation: fromRightAnim3 0.4s ease-in 1.2s both;

.da-slide-fromright .da-img{
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    animation: fromRightAnim4 0.6s ease-in 0.8s both;
@-webkit-keyframes fromRightAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@-webkit-keyframes fromRightAnim2{
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@-webkit-keyframes fromRightAnim3{
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    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@-webkit-keyframes fromRightAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }

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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@-moz-keyframes fromRightAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 37px; opacity: 1; }
@-moz-keyframes fromRightAnim3{
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    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@-moz-keyframes fromRightAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }

@-o-keyframes fromRightAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@-0-keyframes fromRightAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 37px; opacity: 1; }
@-o-keyframes fromRightAnim3{
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    1%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@-o-keyframes fromRightAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }

@-ms-keyframes fromRightAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@-ms-keyframes fromRightAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 37px; opacity: 1; }
@-ms-keyframes fromRightAnim3{
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    1%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@-ms-keyframes fromRightAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }

@keyframes fromRightAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@keyframes fromRightAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 37px; opacity: 1; }
@keyframes fromRightAnim3{
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    1%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@keyframes fromRightAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }
/* Slide in from the left*/
.da-slide-fromleft .big_h{
    -webkit-animation: fromLeftAnim1 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
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    animation: fromLeftAnim1 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
.da-slide-fromleft p{
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    animation: fromLeftAnim2 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
.da-slide-fromleft .da-link{
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    animation: fromLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in 1.2s both;
.da-slide-fromleft .da-link1{
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    -o-animation: fromLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in 1.2s both;
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    animation: fromLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in 1.2s both;
.da-slide-fromleft .da-img{
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    -ms-animation: fromLeftAnim4 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
    animation: fromLeftAnim4 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
@-webkit-keyframes fromLeftAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@-webkit-keyframes fromLeftAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 37px; opacity: 1; }
@-webkit-keyframes fromLeftAnim3{
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    1%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@-webkit-keyframes fromLeftAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }

@-moz-keyframes fromLeftAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@-moz-keyframes fromLeftAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 37px; opacity: 1; }
@-moz-keyframes fromLeftAnim3{
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    1%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@-moz-keyframes fromLeftAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }

@-o-keyframes fromLeftAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@-o-keyframes fromLeftAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 37px; opacity: 1; }
@-o-keyframes fromLeftAnim3{
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    1%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@-o-keyframes fromLeftAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }
@-ms-keyframes fromLeftAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@-ms-keyframes fromLeftAnim2{
    0%{ left: -110%; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 37px; opacity: 1; }
@-ms-keyframes fromLeftAnim3{
    0%{ left: -110%; opacity: 0; }
    1%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@-ms-keyframes fromLeftAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }

@keyframes fromLeftAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 20px; opacity: 1; }
@keyframes fromLeftAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 37px; opacity: 1; }
@keyframes fromLeftAnim3{
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    100%{ left: 125px; opacity: 1; }
@keyframes fromLeftAnim4{
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    100%{ left: 51%; opacity: 1; }
/* Slide out to the right */
.da-slide-toright .big_h{
    -webkit-animation: toRightAnim1 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
    -moz-animation: toRightAnim1 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
    -o-animation: toRightAnim1 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
    -ms-animation: toRightAnim1 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
    animation: toRightAnim1 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
.da-slide-toright p{
    -webkit-animation: toRightAnim2 0.6s ease-in 0.3s both;
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    animation: toRightAnim2 0.6s ease-in 0.3s both;
.da-slide-toright .da-link{
    -webkit-animation: toRightAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
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    animation: toRightAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
.da-slide-toright .da-link1{
    -webkit-animation: toRightAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
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    animation: toRightAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
.da-slide-toright .da-img{
    -webkit-animation: toRightAnim4 0.6s ease-in both;
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    animation: toRightAnim4 0.6s ease-in both;
@-webkit-keyframes toRightAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-webkit-keyframes toRightAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-webkit-keyframes toRightAnim3{
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    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-webkit-keyframes toRightAnim4{
    0%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    30%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }

@-moz-keyframes toRightAnim1{
    0%{ left: 20px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-moz-keyframes toRightAnim2{
    0%{ left: 37px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-moz-keyframes toRightAnim3{
    0%{ left: 125px;  opacity: 1; }
    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-moz-keyframes toRightAnim4{
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    30%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }

@-o-keyframes toRightAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-o-keyframes toRightAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-o-keyframes toRightAnim3{
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    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-o-keyframes toRightAnim4{
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    30%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }

@-ms-keyframes toRightAnim1{
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    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-ms-keyframes toRightAnim2{
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    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-ms-keyframes toRightAnim3{
    0%{ left: 125px;  opacity: 1; }
    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@-ms-keyframes toRightAnim4{
    0%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    30%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }

@keyframes toRightAnim1{
    0%{ left: 20px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@keyframes toRightAnim2{
    0%{ left: 37px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@keyframes toRightAnim3{
    0%{ left: 125px;  opacity: 1; }
    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
@keyframes toRightAnim4{
    0%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    30%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: 100%; opacity: 0; }
/* Slide out to the left*/
.da-slide-toleft .big_h{
    -webkit-animation: toLeftAnim1 0.4s ease-in both;
    -moz-animation: toLeftAnim1 0.4s ease-in both;
    -o-animation: toLeftAnim1 0.4s ease-in both;
    -ms-animation: toLeftAnim1 0.4s ease-in both;
    animation: toLeftAnim1 0.4s ease-in both;
.da-slide-toleft p{
    -webkit-animation: toLeftAnim2 0.4s ease-in 0.3s both;
    -moz-animation: toLeftAnim2 0.4s ease-in 0.3s both;
    -o-animation: toLeftAnim2 0.4s ease-in 0.3s both;
    -ms-animation: toLeftAnim2 0.4s ease-in 0.3s both;
    animation: toLeftAnim2 0.4s ease-in 0.3s both;
.da-slide-toleft .da-link{
    -webkit-animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
    -moz-animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
    -o-animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
    -ms-animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
    animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
.da-slide-toleft .da-link1{
    -webkit-animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
    -moz-animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
    -o-animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
    -ms-animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
    animation: toLeftAnim3 0.4s ease-in both;
.da-slide-toleft .da-img{
    -webkit-animation: toLeftAnim4 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
    -moz-animation: toLeftAnim4 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
    -o-animation: toLeftAnim4 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
    -ms-animation: toLeftAnim4 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
    animation: toLeftAnim4 0.6s ease-in 0.6s both;
@-webkit-keyframes toLeftAnim1{
    0%{ left: 20px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-webkit-keyframes toLeftAnim2{
    0%{ left: 37px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-webkit-keyframes toLeftAnim3{
    0%{ left: 125px;  opacity: 1; }
    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-webkit-keyframes toLeftAnim4{
    0%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }

@-moz-keyframes toLeftAnim1{
    0%{ left: 20px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-moz-keyframes toLeftAnim2{
    0%{ left: 37px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-moz-keyframes toLeftAnim3{
    0%{ left: 125px;  opacity: 1; }
    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-moz-keyframes toLeftAnim4{
    0%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }

@-o-keyframes toLeftAnim1{
    0%{ left: 20px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-o-keyframes toLeftAnim2{
    0%{ left: 37px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-o-keyframes toLeftAnim3{
    0%{ left: 125px;  opacity: 1; }
    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-o-keyframes toLeftAnim4{
    0%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }

@-ms-keyframes toLeftAnim1{
    0%{ left: 20px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-ms-keyframes toLeftAnim2{
    0%{ left: 37px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-ms-keyframes toLeftAnim3{
    0%{ left: 125px;  opacity: 1; }
    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@-ms-keyframes toLeftAnim4{
    0%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }

@keyframes toLeftAnim1{
    0%{ left: 20px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@keyframes toLeftAnim2{
    0%{ left: 37px;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@keyframes toLeftAnim3{
    0%{ left: 125px;  opacity: 1; }
    99%{ left: 125px; opacity: 0; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }
@keyframes toLeftAnim4{
    0%{ left: 51%;  opacity: 1; }
    100%{ left: -50%; opacity: 0; }

1 回答 1


问题是.da-slide .big_hand.da-slide p规则具有属性!important的值left。CSS Animations 规范草案曾经说过动画会覆盖 !important,但去年年底发生了变化。请参阅http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-css3-animations-20130219/#animations第一段结尾。听起来 Firefox 已经更新以遵循规范,而 Chrome 和 Opera 还没有。

于 2013-09-19T02:34:51.893 回答