with aux as ( -- Amount of citations
select p.id, p.scientist_id, p.title, count(*) as citations
from paper p join citation c2 on (p.id = c2.paper_id)
group by 1,2,3 )
select id, name, min(h) as h_index from (
select c.id,
-- Replacing the use of analytical functions
-- Eq. to: count(*) over (parition by c.id order by p.citations desc)
( select count(*) from aux aux2
where aux2.citations >= aux1.citations
and aux2.scientist_id = aux1.scientist_id) as h
from scientist c join aux aux1 on (c.id = aux1.scientist_id)
) where h >= citations
group by id, name;
create table scientist (
id integer primary key, -- Alias to ROWID SQLite
name varchar );
create table paper (
id integer primary key,
scientist_id integer not null,
title varchar );
create table citation (
id integer primary key,
paper_id integer not null,
citation_details varchar ); -- not used
-- Data insertion
insert into scientist (name) values
('Mr Doom'),
insert into paper (scientist_id, title) values
(1,'Doomsday'), -- 12 citations
(1,'Bad Day'), -- 11 citations
(1,'Sad Day'), -- 10 citations
(1,'Programming Day'), -- 5 citations
(1,'Debugin bug #! Error'), -- 2 citations
(1,'Happy Coding'), -- 0 citations
(2,'I have money'), -- 1 citations
(3,'I have no planet'); -- 0 citations (it's not very popular)
insert into citation (paper_id) values
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