我正在使用带有 WASCE 服务器的 struts 框架创建 Web 应用程序。我想在用户输入用户名时加载vimeo视频。这样我就在 vimeo 开发者站点中创建了应用程序并获得了 apiKey、apiSecret、token 和 secret 值。我已将这些值应用到我的代码中。当我在本地运行时,我得到了正确的(带有视频网址)JSON 响应。
{"generated_in":"0.0039","stat":"fail","err":{"code":"401","expl":"The oauth_timestamp
passed is either too far in the past or in the future. Vimeo thinks the current time is
1379053244","msg":"Invalid \/ expired token"}}
Looks like your server's time is set incorrectly. Vimeo's API is time-sensitive to
within a few minutes. You should be able to ask your hosting provider to
correct the server's time.
参考: http: //community.tubepress.com/topic/287-vimeo-no-videos-to-populate-this-tubepress-gallery/ ?p=989
这样我就检查了服务器时间。我的当地时间是上午 11 点,服务器时间是下午 23 点。现在我将服务器时间更改为 11.00AM(因为 11.00AM 在 localhost 中工作)。
注意: 我已将当地时间更改为下午 23:00,并且我得到了“无效过期令牌”的回复。所以再次将其更改为上午 11 点,我得到了正确的响应。