This program asks for the name of a file with weather data, like rettet_verdata_florida.txt. It then opens the file, and asks for the name of the file you want the specific data to be written into. It also asks for the year.
It is then supposed to read in the data for the different months of that year(which is separated by a \t in the text file), put the sums for the months in "sum_temp" and "sum_wind", and calculate the average while printing it out to both the file and the screen. But the average ends up being 0.0 for each month, even though it should work fine.
Here is some of the list:
Stnr Dato DD06 DD12 DD18 FFM FXM POM TAM UUM 50540 07.01.1957 150 170 170 6.2 8.8 1010.6 6.3 94 50540 08.01.1957 160 160 200 7.2 9.8 1001.8 8.0 99 50540 09.01.1957 290 200 160 8.1 13.3 990.2 5.7 91 50540 10.01.1957 300 360 350 12.7 15.4 1008.2 2.8 87 50540 11.01.1957 0 200 160 3.8 10.4 1015.1 1.7 98 50540 12.01.1957 0 330 340 5.1 10.4 995.0 5.0 96 50540 13.01.1957 350 130 60 6.5 12.3 1018.2 1.6 54 50540 14.01.1957 0 130 150 3.1 7.0 1033.0 -2.8 69
Here is the code:
def year_avg():
#Asks for the file name to be opened, file name for storage, and year (buffer against error).
file_opening = input("Write the file to be opened (with .txt): ") or "rettet_verdata_florida.txt"
file_open = open(file_opening, "r")
writing_file = input("Which file do you want it written to, sir?: ") or "file_for_data.txt"
year = float(input("And which year do you want it from?: "))
#Constants and sums
number_of_days = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
sum_temp = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
sum_wind = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
#For leap years
if year % 4 == 0:
number_of_days[2] = 29
#In case the teacher tries anything funny
if (writing_file == "rettet_verdata_florida.txt" or "verdata_kirkenes.txt" or "verdata_florida.txt"):
writing_file = "file_for data.txt"
#Makes the writing file, and picks the data for that year
store_data = open(writing_file, "w")
for line in file_open:
split_numbers = line.split('\t')
date_info = split_numbers[1].split('.')
year_of_line = float(date_info[2])
month_of_line = float(date_info[1])
if year_of_line == year:
sum_temp[int(month_of_line)] += float(split_numbers[8])
sum_wind[int(month_of_line)] += float(split_numbers[5])
except Exception:
#Prints everything out, plus stores it in the file specified in "writing_file"
year_in_comma = (float(year))/10000
for i in range(1, 13):
print(i + year_in_comma, sum_temp[i] / number_of_days[i] , sum_wind[i] / number_of_days[i], sep = "\t", file = store_data)
print(i + year_in_comma, sum_temp[i] / number_of_days[i] , sum_wind[i] / number_of_days[i], sep = "\t")