我是 Angular 的新手,从 SO here上的其他答案中获得了此代码,但无法对其进行分页。
这是一个小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/Tropicalista/qyb6N/1/
angular.module('test', ['ui.bootstrap']);
function Main($scope, $q) {
$scope.players = [//my data]
// create a deferred object to be resolved later
var teamsDeferred = $q.defer();
// return a promise. The promise says, "I promise that I'll give you your
// data as soon as I have it (which is when I am resolved)".
$scope.teams = teamsDeferred.promise;
// create a list of unique teams
var uniqueTeams = unique($scope.players, 'team');
// resolve the deferred object with the unique teams
// this will trigger an update on the view
// function that takes an array of objects
// and returns an array of unique valued in the object
// array for a given key.
// this really belongs in a service, not the global window scope
function unique(data, key) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var value = data[i][key];
if (result.indexOf(value) == -1) {
$scope.noOfPages = Math.ceil(result.length / 10);
return result;
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.pageSize = 5;
$scope.maxSize = 2;
angular.filter('startFrom', function() {
return function(input, start) {
start = +start; //parse to int
return input.slice(start);