
fun max1 (xs : int list) = 
if null xs
    then NONE
            let val tl_ans =  max1(tl xs)
            if isSome tl_ans andalso valOf tl_ans > hd xs
                    SOME (hd xs)

由于尚未设置,如何tl_ans在线计算?if isSome tl_ans andalso valOf tl_ans > hd xs


3 回答 3



1) 基本情况 - 列表为空 没有最大值,返回NONE

2) 列表不为空 - 由于列表不为空,列表将有一个头(第一个元素)和一个尾(除第一个元素之外的所有元素)。请注意,对于具有一个元素的列表,尾部将为空。


在每次递归调用中,输入大小减少 1,因为我们只是传递列表的尾部(即没有第一个元素)。当它得到一个只有一个尾为空的元素的列表时,这最终将调用基本情况。从那里,在从每个递归调用返回的路上,该递归调用的头部将与递归返回的头部进行比较。


最大 [5,2,6,4]

tl_ans = max [2,6,4], hd = 5
         |=>tl_ans = max [6,4], hd = 2
                   |=>tl_ans = max [4], hd = 6
                               |=>tl_ans = max [], hd = 4
                                           |<= None (Base case)

                                <= Some 4, comparing tl_ans (None) and hd (4)
                    <== Some 6, comparing tl_ans (Some 4) and hd (6)
        <= Some 6, comparing tl_ans (Some 6) and hd (2)
<= Some 6, comparing tl_ans (some 6) and hd (5)
于 2013-09-13T03:55:58.893 回答

这不是在标准 ML 中编写此类函数的最惯用方式。我建议以另一种方式编写它,可以更好地理解它是如何工作的。函数valOf,hdtl是所谓的部分函数,​​使用它们的唯一借口是确保它们的输入不是NONE[]分别(在这种情况下程序将调用异常)。

使用valOf, hdortail将因此要求您检查列表是否为空(例如null xs)或选项是否存在(例如isSome ans),因此使用它的便利性受到限制。相反,需要使用模式匹配(或更强大的这些功能版本)。


(* For a list with at least one element in it, check to see if there is a
 * greatest element in the tail (xs). If there isn't, then x is the greatest
 * element. Otherwise, whichever is the greatest of x and y is the greatest.
 * This solution is comparable to the one you have above: Find a solution
 * for the "smaller" problem (i.e. the reduced list in which x isn't in),
 * and then combine the solution. This means making a recursive call to a
 * function that doesn't exist at the time of writing it. *)
fun max [] = NONE
  | max (x::xs) =
    (case max xs of
         NONE   => SOME x
       | SOME y => SOME (Int.max (x, y)))

(* If we were to use a let-expression instead of a case-of, but still restrict
 * ourselves from using partial functions, we might make a helper function: *)
fun maxOpt (x, NONE) = SOME x
  | maxOpt (x, SOME y) = SOME (Int.max (x, y))

(* Now the essence of the let-expression is boiled down: It finds the largest
 * value in the tail, xs, and if it exists, finds the largest of that and x,
 * and pass it as a result packed in SOME. *)
fun max [] = NONE
  | max (x::xs) =
    let val y_opt = max xs
    in maxOpt (x, y_opt) end

(* In fact, one can store the largest value so far in the front of the list.
 * This is only because the return type is int option, and the input type is
 * int list. If the return type were dramatically different, it might not be
 * so easy. *)
fun max [] = NONE
  | max (x::y::xs) = max (Int.max (x,y)::xs)
  | max [x] = SOME x
于 2013-09-13T13:29:40.740 回答


let val tl_ans =  max1(tl xs)
    if isSome tl_ans andalso valOf tl_ans > hd xs    

意思是be的在下面的代码中 (你通常说的值绑定名称(或变量)“tl_ans”。)tl_ansmax1 (tl xs)
max1 (tl xs)


if isSome (max1 (tl xs)) andalso valOf (max1 (tl xs)) > hd xs

除了该值max1 (tl xs)只计算一次。

于 2013-09-13T06:39:46.017 回答