以 Firefox 中的 JSFiddle 为例


如果您console.log(e.explicitOriginalTarget);可以看到它包含一个名为 value 的属性,该属性确实包含输入 cut 后的新正确值。但是,在下一行,如果您尝试直接console.log(e.explicitOriginalTarget.value);使用该属性,则会记录切割前输入的先前值。


我试过做一个 typeof e.explicitOriginalTarget.value 并且它返回我期望的“字符串”。



1 回答 1


The spec says:

The cut event fires before the selected data is removed.

Hence, when the event fires, the .value will be still the one before the cut. If you console.log the event/event target and later inspect it (by clicking on it ;), the change of course will have been made as the event is long done processing at this point. Remember: The target you're logging is a live DOM node.

I'd have a setTimeout(..., 0) to check what the value is like after the cut as a stupidly easy work-around.

Or work with input instead of cut events, if my requirements allowed that...

于 2013-09-12T21:06:17.773 回答