带有消息“SQLSTATE[HY093] 的异常“PDOException”:无效参数编号:绑定变量的数量与 C:\xampp\htdocs\FD\includes\helper.php:472 中的标记数量不匹配堆栈跟踪:
0 C:\xampp\htdocs\FD\includes\helper.php(472): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1
C:\xampp\htdocs\FD\newHrForm.php(113): helperFunctions::UpdateTableHrForms('112', 'dfsfdsfds', '3123213', 'dfdsf', '', '', '', '', ' ', '', '', '', '', '', '', '3213123213', '1', '3213123', '213123213', '3213213', '213123123', ) #2 {main}
public static function UpdateTableHrForms(
$conn = new mysqlcon();
$query = "INSERT into `hr_forms` (`id`,`dob_city`,
VALUES (:id,:dob_city,:dob_province,:dob_country,...)";
try {
if (helperFunctions::CheckidExistForms($id) == 0) {
$result = $conn->prepare($query);
$Msg = "<div style=\"text-align:center;\" class=\"alert alert-success\">
<strong>Tips! </strong>
Data is successfully saved to database.
<button class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\" type=\"button\">×</button>
} else {
$Msg = "<div style=\"text-align:center;\" class=\"alert alert-error\">
<strong>Error! </strong>
This employee information is already existed in the system.
<button class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\" type=\"button\">×</button>
} catch (Exception $e) {
$Msg = $e; /* "<div style=\"text-align:center;\" class=\"alert alert-error\">
<strong>Error! </strong>
This employee information cannot save in the system.
<button class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\" type=\"button\">×</button>
</div>"; */
return $Msg;
当我替换我的插入方法的值时(在 UpdateTableHrForms 中,用错误给我的值并在 mysql 中运行它;没有错误;但在 PHP 中它给了我错误;如果我在做,你能帮帮我吗?有事吗?)