我正在尝试在 bouncycastle 1.49 版中使用未弃用的构造函数,但我很难弄清楚如何使用这些创建的对象,因为它与我发现的任何教程都有点不同网络。
到目前为止,这是我的代码;谁能告诉我我应该用 PGPContentSigner 做什么以及我应该如何将它连接到 OutputStream?我想要实现的是在数据上附加签名,而不必将数据加密给任何特定的人(很像gpg --clearsign -a <textfile>
,然后将签名字节写入 是ArmoredOutputStream
* Generate a signature for the given bytes so that they can be sent off and the recipient can verify
* that the bytes have not been tampered with in transit.
* @param dataBytes the data to sign
* @return the data along with the signature
* @throws PGPException if there's a problem generating the signature
public static byte[] clearSignBytes(byte[] dataBytes, PGPSecretKeyRingCollection skrCollection, String keyPass) throws PGPException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // this is where we put the signed data
try {
// get our secret key so we can init the signature generator
Iterator<PGPSecretKeyRing> it = skrCollection.getKeyRings();
PGPSecretKeyRing skr = it.next();
PGPSecretKey skey = skr.getSecretKey();
PGPPrivateKey prKey = skey.extractPrivateKey(new BcPBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder(new BcPGPDigestCalculatorProvider()).build(keyPass.toCharArray()));
BcPGPContentSignerBuilder signerBuilder = new BcPGPContentSignerBuilder(skey.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm(), PGPUtil.SHA256);
PGPContentSigner signer = signerBuilder.build(PGPSignature.BINARY_DOCUMENT, prKey);
// Now, we're supposed to write dataBytes somewhere and we're supposed to hand them to the signer somehow
// and ultimately we're supposed to tell the signer to output a signature and we put the signature and
// dataBytes together into baos.
// TODO ??????
} catch (Exception e) {
__l.error("Exception generating signature", e);
throw new PGPException("Exception while signing the data", e);
return baos.toByteArray();