26 proc sql noprint;
27 connect to netezza (user=jfan0001 pwd=Xw9b548s SERVER=bsnet01z database=PDWAPPRP connection=global autocommit=yes);
29 execute ( create temporary table STDY 30 ( SUB_NUM char(13) )) by netezza;
31 execute ( create temporary table ANTIB 32 ( NDC char(11) )) by netezza;
36 insert into dw.STDY (bulkload=YES bl_options='logdir "."')
37 select SUB_NUM from pulllist
38 where flag='study';
ERROR: The open failed because library member DW.STDY.DATA is damaged.
NOTE: Data file SPARC.PULLLIST.DATA is in a format that is native to another host, or the file encoding does not match the session
encoding. Cross Environment Data Access will be used, which might require additional CPU resources and might reduce