I have a simple fortran function that computes the Kronecker product:
function kron(A, B)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: A(:, :), B(:, :)
integer :: i, j, ma, na, mb, nb
real, dimension(:, :) :: kron
ma = ubound(A, 1)
na = ubound(A, 2)
mb = ubound(b, 1)
nb = ubound(b, 2)
forall(i=1:ma, j=1:na)
kron(mb*(i-1)+1:mb*i, nb*(j-1)+1:nb*j) = A(i,j)*B
end forall
end function kron
It's inside a module, but when I compile it with gfortran -static -ffree-form -std=f2003 -Wall
, I get these errors:
function kron(A, B)
Error: Array 'kron' at (1) cannot have a deferred shape
Is this error occurring because you're supposed to know the size of the array to be returned beforehand?