I am distributing a tarball with installation scripts generated by autoconf version 2.69. Works fine on many different machines. Now a user, working on a fresh Arch Linux system, reports that configure executes properly, but make immediately terminates with the following error message:

/home/user/project/build-aux/missing: line 81: aclocal-1.13: command not found
WARNING: 'aclocal-1.13' is missing on your system.
         You should only need it if you modified 'acinclude.m4' or
         'configure.ac' or m4 files included by 'configure.ac'.
         The 'aclocal' program is part of the GNU Automake package:
         It also requires GNU Autoconf, GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:
make: *** [aclocal.m4] Error 127

There is no acinclude.m4 in the project directory. The user assures that he has not modified aclocal.m4, configure.ac, files in m4/, or anything else in the project.

The error message makes no sense for me: as I understand, aclocal is executed when I run autoreconf -if; it generates a file aclocal.m4 that is part of the tarball I distribute; there is no reason why a user's make command should request aclocal.

The user further reports that he can solve the problem for himself by running aclocal. However, that is not a clean solution: packagers are not supposed to request their users to have autotools installed, right?

For completeness, I attach the full configure.ac: is there anything wrong?

##  FRIDA: fast reliable interactive data analysis                            ##
##  configure.ac: used by 'autoreconf -i' to prepare for 'configure'          ##
##  (C) Joachim Wuttke, Sebastian Busch 2008-                                 ##
##  http://apps.jcns.fz-juelich.de/frida                                      ##

##  Generic initialization                                                    ##

#                ^^^^^ delete "post-" for public releases
# project name must be "frida"; this determines the installation directories


AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) # don't insert GNU blala files

##  Select compiler and preprocessors                                         ##

AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11 # provided in directory m4
AC_SUBST(AM_CXXFLAGS,"-g -pedantic -Wall -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-result -Werror")
# for valgrind --leak-check=full frida, use -O0 -fno-inline

# source files that use -D settings must #include "../config.h"
AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) # also needed to prevent endless -D option lists

AC_PROG_LEX   # LEX,LEXLIB = "flex","-lfl" or "lex","-ll"
if test "$LEX" = :; then
  AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find lex. Aborting.])
AC_PROG_YACC  # YACC = "bison -y" or "byacc" or "yacc"
if test "$YACC" = "yacc"; then
  AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find yacc. Aborting.])

## I put this one here only because qmake does: Make sure off_t is 64-bit in *nix, taken from http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:wlNJ8Qe4dBgJ:www.sfr-fresh.com/unix/privat/libfb-v0.18.4b-src.zip:a/src/rtlib/configure.ac+configure.ac+file+offset+bits&hl=de&ct=clnk&cd=5&gl=de&client=firefox-a
AC_DEFINE([_FILE_OFFSET_BITS],64,[File offset bits])

##  Check for headers, defs needed at compile time                            ##

# Consistency check: is source code present?

# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics

# Checks for standard includes

AC_CHECK_FUNCS([gettimeofday],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find gettimeofday.]))
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([memset],      ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find memset.]))
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([mkfifo],      ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find mkfifo.]))
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([strchr],      ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find strchr.]))

AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fcntl.h],        ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find fcntl.h.]))
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([math.h],         ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find math.h.]))

# The following headers are needed for code produced by lexx and yacc
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([inttypes.h],     ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find inttypes.h.]))
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([libintl.h],      ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find libintl.h.]))
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([malloc.h],       ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find malloc.h.]))
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([unistd.h],       ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find unistd.h.]))
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stddef.h],       ,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find stddef.h.]))

# Non-standard includes
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([gsl/gsl_rng.h gsl/gsl_randist.h gsl/gsl_math.h \
                  gsl/gsl_errno.h gsl/gsl_integration.h gsl/gsl_roots.h \
                  gsl/gsl_sf.h gsl/gsl_sf_debye.h],,
                 AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find required gsl headers.]))

# C includes of our own
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([kww.h],,  AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find kww.h.]))
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([cerf.h],, AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find cerf.h.]))

# C++ includes of our own
    AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find boost/format.hpp.]))
    AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find boost/shared_ptr.hpp.]))

    AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find trivia/file_ops.hpp.]))
    AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find readplus/readln.hpp.]))
        AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find yamlfreeze/yaml.hpp.]))

##  Check for libraries, needed at link time                                  ##

# From standard packages
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([cos], [m],, [AC_MSG_ERROR(libm not found or corrupted)])
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([cblas_dgemm], [gslcblas],,
             [AC_MSG_ERROR(libgslcblas not found or out of sync)])
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([gsl_blas_dgemm], [gsl],,
            [AC_MSG_ERROR(libgsl not found or out of sync)])
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([fftw_plan_r2r_1d], [fftw3],,
              [AC_MSG_ERROR(libfftw not found or out of sync)])
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([rl_completion_matches], [readline],,
             [AC_MSG_ERROR(libreadline not found or corrupted)])

# From our own C packages
AC_CHECK_LIB([lmfit], [lmmin], ,
              [AC_MSG_ERROR(liblmfit not found or out of sync)])
AC_CHECK_LIB([kww], [kwwp], ,
            [AC_MSG_ERROR(libkww not found or out of sync)])
AC_CHECK_LIB([cerf], [voigt], ,
            [AC_MSG_ERROR(libcerf not found or out of sync)])

# From our own C++ packages (why checking for main? how else?)
AC_CHECK_LIB([trivia], [main], ,
                       [AC_MSG_ERROR(libtrivia not found or out of sync)])
AC_CHECK_LIB([readplus], [main],,
                 [AC_MSG_ERROR(library readplus not found)])
AC_CHECK_LIB([yamlfreeze], [main],,
                 [AC_MSG_ERROR(library yamlfreeze not found)])

##  Check for facilities needed at run time                                   ##

AC_CHECK_PROGS([GNUPLOT], [gnuplot], [:])
if test "$GNUPLOT" = :; then
  AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find gnuplot. Aborting.])

##  make Makefiles                                                            ##

AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile man/Makefile share/Makefile])

Could the problem be due to the presence of files that do not belong in a tarball? Here the contents of the tgz archive, except for the source files themselves:


7 回答 7


好的,所以我也遇到了这个确切的问题,这让我发疯了。问题似乎是我正在对源代码进行 svn 导出以制作我的 src tarball。

现在这很好,但如果我错了,请纠正我,但我认为 svn 只提交已修改的文件,未触及。这意味着当您使用 svn export 检出文件时,文件可能按时间顺序排列错误,即使文件如下:

configure.ac aclocal.m4 配置 Makefile.am Makefile.in


完成 svn 导出后,请记住在使用以下命令将 src 捆绑到 tar.gz 之前始终触摸这些文件:

svn export <repo address>
cd <repo name>    
touch configure.ac aclocal.m4 configure Makefile.am Makefile.in


touch configure.ac aclocal.m4 configure Makefile.am Makefile.in






于 2015-05-21T23:39:26.540 回答

make -d 给出了一个线索:

 Considering target file `aclocal.m4'.
   Pruning file `m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4'.
   Pruning file `configure.ac'.
  Finished prerequisites of target file `aclocal.m4'.
  Prerequisite `m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4' is older than target `aclocal.m4'.
  Prerequisite `configure.ac' is newer than target `aclocal.m4'.
 Must remake target `aclocal.m4'.



configure.ac. 我读到这个宏的作者确信这是一个坏主意,但对我来说它似乎工作正常。明确的任务分离:维护者必须在autoreconf任何时候运行configure.ac或 aMakefile.am发生变化。最终用户既不需要也不需要被诱导再生configure

于 2013-09-13T08:48:58.263 回答

autoreconf -vfi 在配置文件所在的目录中运行 (在我的情况下:/source/evtest/evtest-1.31/)对我来说是因为版本太新(aclocal-1.14)而缺少 aclocal-1.13。

于 2015-11-12T17:58:44.253 回答

要解决此问题,请在调用 make 之前运行 aclocal,然后在顶级目录中使用 automake。这将使用已安装的 autotools 版本重建 makefile。

于 2014-07-02T09:15:47.170 回答


touch aclocal.mk

这不会在所有情况下都有助于构建软件,但它肯定有助于 Jenkins 作业和 Rpm 构建脚本。

背景:在上次autoreconf运行中,该工具发现附加宏已更新,因此它将 ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4 从 /usr/share/aclocal/ 复制到 ./m4。它也确实重建了 ./aclocal.m4 但这并没有带来真正的改变。因此,在下一次提交时,只有 ./m4/xxmacro.m4 宏被发送到中央存储库,并且在不同位置的下一次版本控制更新中,您最终会得到一个更新(更新)的 .m4/xxmacro.m4 比./aclocal.m4(未更新)。这甚至可能被打包成一个 tarball。正如 Joachim Wuttke 上面所指出的,时间戳的差异会触发重建。您可以通过触摸 aclocal.m4 来避免不同的时间戳,这会破坏 automake 的错误假设。

于 2014-10-07T07:38:02.880 回答

我不得不重新编译确切的版本来解决这个问题。我正在破坏我的自定义 nginx 编译。您可以在此处查看修复 或此处是脚本本身。1.5 对 OpenSSL 和 Lua 编译非常重要


# run as root only
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] ; then
    echo -e "\e[1;39m[   \e[31mError\e[39m   ] need root access to run this script\e[0;39m"
    exit 1

function install_automake() {
    [ $# -eq 0 ] && { run_error "Usage: install_automake <version>"; exit; }
    local VERSION=${1}
    wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/automake/automake-${VERSION}.tar.gz &> /dev/null
    if [ -f "automake-${VERSION}.tar.gz" ]; then
            tar -xzf automake-${VERSION}.tar.gz
            cd automake-${VERSION}/
            make && make install
            echo -e "\e[1;39m[   \e[1;32mOK\e[39m   ] automake-${VERSION} installed\e[0;39m"

            echo -e "\e[1;39m[   \e[31mError\e[39m   ] cannot fetch file from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/automake/ \e[0;39m"
            exit 1
install_automake 1.15
于 2016-09-01T15:40:48.640 回答


WARNING: 'aclocal-1.14' is missing on your system.
         You should only need it if you modified 'acinclude.m4' or
         'configure.ac' or m4 files included by 'configure.ac'.
         The 'aclocal' program is part of the GNU Automake package:
         It also requires GNU Autoconf, GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:
make: *** [aclocal.m4] Error 127

对我来说,这个问题是由于我使用相同的源文件安装在另一台服务器上的相同源文件。一旦我删除了旧文件并在另一台服务器上再次提取了 tar 文件,问题就解决了。我能够从命令行安装 Htop 命令。PFB供您参考....

[root@client samba_share]# ls
htop-2.0.2  htop-2.0.2.tar.gz
[root@client samba_share]# rm htop-2.0.2
rm: cannot remove `htop-2.0.2': Is a directory
[root@client samba_share]# rm -rf  htop-2.0.2
[root@client samba_share]# ls
[root@client samba_share]# tar -xvf htop-2.0.2.tar.gz

[root@client samba_share]# cd htop-2.0.2
[root@client htop-2.0.2]# ./configure
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking target system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep
checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking minix/config.h usability... no
checking minix/config.h presence... no
checking for minix/config.h... no
checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
checking how to print strings... printf
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed
checking for fgrep... /bin/grep -F
checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/nm -B
checking the name lister (/usr/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1966080
checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes
checking whether the shell understands "+="... yes
checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu file names to x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu format... func_convert_file_noop
checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for objdump... objdump
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
checking for dlltool... no
checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n
checking for ar... ar
checking for archiver @FILE support... @
checking for strip... strip
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok
checking for sysroot... no
checking for mt... no
checking if : is a manifest tool... no
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking for objdir... .libs
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... no
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o fil`enter code here`e.o... (cached) yes
checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux ld.so
checking how to hardcode library `paths` into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... no
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
checking for ceil in -lm... yes
checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes
checking for library containing opendir... none required
checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for string.h... (cached) yes
checking for strings.h... (cached) yes
checking sys/param.h usability... yes
checking sys/param.h presence... yes
checking for sys/param.h... yes
checking sys/time.h usability... yes
checking sys/time.h presence... yes
checking for sys/time.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking execinfo.h usability... yes
checking execinfo.h presence... yes
checking for execinfo.h... yes
checking for stdbool.h that conforms to C99... yes
checking for _Bool... yes
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes
checking for pid_t... yes
checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... yes
checking whether closedir returns void... no
checking return type of signal handlers... void
checking whether lstat correctly handles trailing slash... yes
checking whether stat accepts an empty string... no
checking for memmove... yes
checking for strncasecmp... yes
checking for strstr... yes
checking for strdup... yes
checking whether gcc -std=c99 option works... yes
checking if compiler supports -Wextra... yes
checking for addnwstr in -lncursesw... yes
checking ncursesw/curses.h usability... yes
checking ncursesw/curses.h presence... yes
checking for ncursesw/curses.h... yes
checking for usable sched_setaffinity... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating htop.1
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing libtool commands
[root@client htop-2.0.2]# make
make  all-am
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/samba_share/htop-2.0.2'
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-AvailableMetersPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-AvailableMetersPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-AvailableMetersPanel.o `test -f 'AvailableMetersPanel.c' || echo './'`AvailableMetersPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-AvailableMetersPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-AvailableMetersPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-CategoriesPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-CategoriesPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-CategoriesPanel.o `test -f 'CategoriesPanel.c' || echo './'`CategoriesPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-CategoriesPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-CategoriesPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-CheckItem.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-CheckItem.Tpo -c -o htop-CheckItem.o `test -f 'CheckItem.c' || echo './'`CheckItem.c
mv -f .deps/htop-CheckItem.Tpo .deps/htop-CheckItem.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-ClockMeter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-ClockMeter.Tpo -c -o htop-ClockMeter.o `test -f 'ClockMeter.c' || echo './'`ClockMeter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-ClockMeter.Tpo .deps/htop-ClockMeter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-ColorsPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-ColorsPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-ColorsPanel.o `test -f 'ColorsPanel.c' || echo './'`ColorsPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-ColorsPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-ColorsPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-ColumnsPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-ColumnsPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-ColumnsPanel.o `test -f 'ColumnsPanel.c' || echo './'`ColumnsPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-ColumnsPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-ColumnsPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-CPUMeter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-CPUMeter.Tpo -c -o htop-CPUMeter.o `test -f 'CPUMeter.c' || echo './'`CPUMeter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-CPUMeter.Tpo .deps/htop-CPUMeter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-CRT.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-CRT.Tpo -c -o htop-CRT.o `test -f 'CRT.c' || echo './'`CRT.c
mv -f .deps/htop-CRT.Tpo .deps/htop-CRT.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-MainPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-MainPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-MainPanel.o `test -f 'MainPanel.c' || echo './'`MainPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-MainPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-MainPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-DisplayOptionsPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-DisplayOptionsPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-DisplayOptionsPanel.o `test -f 'DisplayOptionsPanel.c' || echo './'`DisplayOptionsPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-DisplayOptionsPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-DisplayOptionsPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-FunctionBar.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-FunctionBar.Tpo -c -o htop-FunctionBar.o `test -f 'FunctionBar.c' || echo './'`FunctionBar.c
mv -f .deps/htop-FunctionBar.Tpo .deps/htop-FunctionBar.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Hashtable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Hashtable.Tpo -c -o htop-Hashtable.o `test -f 'Hashtable.c' || echo './'`Hashtable.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Hashtable.Tpo .deps/htop-Hashtable.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Header.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Header.Tpo -c -o htop-Header.o `test -f 'Header.c' || echo './'`Header.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Header.Tpo .deps/htop-Header.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-htop.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-htop.Tpo -c -o htop-htop.o `test -f 'htop.c' || echo './'`htop.c
mv -f .deps/htop-htop.Tpo .deps/htop-htop.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-ListItem.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-ListItem.Tpo -c -o htop-ListItem.o `test -f 'ListItem.c' || echo './'`ListItem.c
mv -f .deps/htop-ListItem.Tpo .deps/htop-ListItem.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-LoadAverageMeter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-LoadAverageMeter.Tpo -c -o htop-LoadAverageMeter.o `test -f 'LoadAverageMeter.c' || echo './'`LoadAverageMeter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-LoadAverageMeter.Tpo .deps/htop-LoadAverageMeter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-MemoryMeter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-MemoryMeter.Tpo -c -o htop-MemoryMeter.o `test -f 'MemoryMeter.c' || echo './'`MemoryMeter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-MemoryMeter.Tpo .deps/htop-MemoryMeter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Meter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Meter.Tpo -c -o htop-Meter.o `test -f 'Meter.c' || echo './'`Meter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Meter.Tpo .deps/htop-Meter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-MetersPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-MetersPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-MetersPanel.o `test -f 'MetersPanel.c' || echo './'`MetersPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-MetersPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-MetersPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Object.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Object.Tpo -c -o htop-Object.o `test -f 'Object.c' || echo './'`Object.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Object.Tpo .deps/htop-Object.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Panel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Panel.Tpo -c -o htop-Panel.o `test -f 'Panel.c' || echo './'`Panel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Panel.Tpo .deps/htop-Panel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-BatteryMeter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-BatteryMeter.Tpo -c -o htop-BatteryMeter.o `test -f 'BatteryMeter.c' || echo './'`BatteryMeter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-BatteryMeter.Tpo .deps/htop-BatteryMeter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Process.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Process.Tpo -c -o htop-Process.o `test -f 'Process.c' || echo './'`Process.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Process.Tpo .deps/htop-Process.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-ProcessList.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-ProcessList.Tpo -c -o htop-ProcessList.o `test -f 'ProcessList.c' || echo './'`ProcessList.c
mv -f .deps/htop-ProcessList.Tpo .deps/htop-ProcessList.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-RichString.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-RichString.Tpo -c -o htop-RichString.o `test -f 'RichString.c' || echo './'`RichString.c
mv -f .deps/htop-RichString.Tpo .deps/htop-RichString.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-ScreenManager.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-ScreenManager.Tpo -c -o htop-ScreenManager.o `test -f 'ScreenManager.c' || echo './'`ScreenManager.c
mv -f .deps/htop-ScreenManager.Tpo .deps/htop-ScreenManager.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Settings.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Settings.Tpo -c -o htop-Settings.o `test -f 'Settings.c' || echo './'`Settings.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Settings.Tpo .deps/htop-Settings.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-SignalsPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-SignalsPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-SignalsPanel.o `test -f 'SignalsPanel.c' || echo './'`SignalsPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-SignalsPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-SignalsPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-StringUtils.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-StringUtils.Tpo -c -o htop-StringUtils.o `test -f 'StringUtils.c' || echo './'`StringUtils.c
mv -f .deps/htop-StringUtils.Tpo .deps/htop-StringUtils.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-SwapMeter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-SwapMeter.Tpo -c -o htop-SwapMeter.o `test -f 'SwapMeter.c' || echo './'`SwapMeter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-SwapMeter.Tpo .deps/htop-SwapMeter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-TasksMeter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-TasksMeter.Tpo -c -o htop-TasksMeter.o `test -f 'TasksMeter.c' || echo './'`TasksMeter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-TasksMeter.Tpo .deps/htop-TasksMeter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-UptimeMeter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-UptimeMeter.Tpo -c -o htop-UptimeMeter.o `test -f 'UptimeMeter.c' || echo './'`UptimeMeter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-UptimeMeter.Tpo .deps/htop-UptimeMeter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-TraceScreen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-TraceScreen.Tpo -c -o htop-TraceScreen.o `test -f 'TraceScreen.c' || echo './'`TraceScreen.c
mv -f .deps/htop-TraceScreen.Tpo .deps/htop-TraceScreen.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-UsersTable.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-UsersTable.Tpo -c -o htop-UsersTable.o `test -f 'UsersTable.c' || echo './'`UsersTable.c
mv -f .deps/htop-UsersTable.Tpo .deps/htop-UsersTable.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Vector.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Vector.Tpo -c -o htop-Vector.o `test -f 'Vector.c' || echo './'`Vector.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Vector.Tpo .deps/htop-Vector.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-AvailableColumnsPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-AvailableColumnsPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-AvailableColumnsPanel.o `test -f 'AvailableColumnsPanel.c' || echo './'`AvailableColumnsPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-AvailableColumnsPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-AvailableColumnsPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-AffinityPanel.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-AffinityPanel.Tpo -c -o htop-AffinityPanel.o `test -f 'AffinityPanel.c' || echo './'`AffinityPanel.c
mv -f .deps/htop-AffinityPanel.Tpo .deps/htop-AffinityPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-HostnameMeter.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-HostnameMeter.Tpo -c -o htop-HostnameMeter.o `test -f 'HostnameMeter.c' || echo './'`HostnameMeter.c
mv -f .deps/htop-HostnameMeter.Tpo .deps/htop-HostnameMeter.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-OpenFilesScreen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-OpenFilesScreen.Tpo -c -o htop-OpenFilesScreen.o `test -f 'OpenFilesScreen.c' || echo './'`OpenFilesScreen.c
mv -f .deps/htop-OpenFilesScreen.Tpo .deps/htop-OpenFilesScreen.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Affinity.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Affinity.Tpo -c -o htop-Affinity.o `test -f 'Affinity.c' || echo './'`Affinity.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Affinity.Tpo .deps/htop-Affinity.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-IncSet.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-IncSet.Tpo -c -o htop-IncSet.o `test -f 'IncSet.c' || echo './'`IncSet.c
mv -f .deps/htop-IncSet.Tpo .deps/htop-IncSet.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-Action.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-Action.Tpo -c -o htop-Action.o `test -f 'Action.c' || echo './'`Action.c
mv -f .deps/htop-Action.Tpo .deps/htop-Action.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-EnvScreen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-EnvScreen.Tpo -c -o htop-EnvScreen.o `test -f 'EnvScreen.c' || echo './'`EnvScreen.c
mv -f .deps/htop-EnvScreen.Tpo .deps/htop-EnvScreen.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-InfoScreen.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-InfoScreen.Tpo -c -o htop-InfoScreen.o `test -f 'InfoScreen.c' || echo './'`InfoScreen.c
mv -f .deps/htop-InfoScreen.Tpo .deps/htop-InfoScreen.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT htop-XAlloc.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/htop-XAlloc.Tpo -c -o htop-XAlloc.o `test -f 'XAlloc.c' || echo './'`XAlloc.c
mv -f .deps/htop-XAlloc.Tpo .deps/htop-XAlloc.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT linux/htop-Platform.o -MD -MP -MF linux/.deps/htop-Platform.Tpo -c -o linux/htop-Platform.o `test -f 'linux/Platform.c' || echo './'`linux/Platform.c
mv -f linux/.deps/htop-Platform.Tpo linux/.deps/htop-Platform.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT linux/htop-IOPriorityPanel.o -MD -MP -MF linux/.deps/htop-IOPriorityPanel.Tpo -c -o linux/htop-IOPriorityPanel.o `test -f 'linux/IOPriorityPanel.c' || echo './'`linux/IOPriorityPanel.c
mv -f linux/.deps/htop-IOPriorityPanel.Tpo linux/.deps/htop-IOPriorityPanel.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT linux/htop-IOPriority.o -MD -MP -MF linux/.deps/htop-IOPriority.Tpo -c -o linux/htop-IOPriority.o `test -f 'linux/IOPriority.c' || echo './'`linux/IOPriority.c
mv -f linux/.deps/htop-IOPriority.Tpo linux/.deps/htop-IOPriority.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT linux/htop-LinuxProcess.o -MD -MP -MF linux/.deps/htop-LinuxProcess.Tpo -c -o linux/htop-LinuxProcess.o `test -f 'linux/LinuxProcess.c' || echo './'`linux/LinuxProcess.c
mv -f linux/.deps/htop-LinuxProcess.Tpo linux/.deps/htop-LinuxProcess.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT linux/htop-LinuxProcessList.o -MD -MP -MF linux/.deps/htop-LinuxProcessList.Tpo -c -o linux/htop-LinuxProcessList.o `test -f 'linux/LinuxProcessList.c' || echo './'`linux/LinuxProcessList.c
mv -f linux/.deps/htop-LinuxProcessList.Tpo linux/.deps/htop-LinuxProcessList.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT linux/htop-LinuxCRT.o -MD -MP -MF linux/.deps/htop-LinuxCRT.Tpo -c -o linux/htop-LinuxCRT.o `test -f 'linux/LinuxCRT.c' || echo './'`linux/LinuxCRT.c
mv -f linux/.deps/htop-LinuxCRT.Tpo linux/.deps/htop-LinuxCRT.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -DNDEBUG  -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2 -MT linux/htop-Battery.o -MD -MP -MF linux/.deps/htop-Battery.Tpo -c -o linux/htop-Battery.o `test -f 'linux/Battery.c' || echo './'`linux/Battery.c
mv -f linux/.deps/htop-Battery.Tpo linux/.deps/htop-Battery.Po
/bin/sh ./libtool  --tag=CC   --mode=link gcc -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I"./linux" -rdynamic  -g -O2   -o htop   htop-AvailableMetersPanel.o htop-CategoriesPanel.o htop-CheckItem.o htop-ClockMeter.o htop-ColorsPanel.o htop-ColumnsPanel.o htop-CPUMeter.o htop-CRT.o htop-MainPanel.o htop-DisplayOptionsPanel.o htop-FunctionBar.o htop-Hashtable.o htop-Header.o htop-htop.o htop-ListItem.o htop-LoadAverageMeter.o htop-MemoryMeter.o htop-Meter.o htop-MetersPanel.o htop-Object.o htop-Panel.o htop-BatteryMeter.o htop-Process.o htop-ProcessList.o htop-RichString.o htop-ScreenManager.o htop-Settings.o htop-SignalsPanel.o htop-StringUtils.o htop-SwapMeter.o htop-TasksMeter.o htop-UptimeMeter.o htop-TraceScreen.o htop-UsersTable.o htop-Vector.o htop-AvailableColumnsPanel.o htop-AffinityPanel.o htop-HostnameMeter.o htop-OpenFilesScreen.o htop-Affinity.o htop-IncSet.o htop-Action.o htop-EnvScreen.o htop-InfoScreen.o htop-XAlloc.o linux/htop-Platform.o linux/htop-IOPriorityPanel.o linux/htop-IOPriority.o linux/htop-LinuxProcess.o linux/htop-LinuxProcessList.o linux/htop-LinuxCRT.o linux/htop-Battery.o  -lncursesw -lm
libtool: link: gcc -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I./linux -rdynamic -g -O2 -o htop htop-AvailableMetersPanel.o htop-CategoriesPanel.o htop-CheckItem.o htop-ClockMeter.o htop-ColorsPanel.o htop-ColumnsPanel.o htop-CPUMeter.o htop-CRT.o htop-MainPanel.o htop-DisplayOptionsPanel.o htop-FunctionBar.o htop-Hashtable.o htop-Header.o htop-htop.o htop-ListItem.o htop-LoadAverageMeter.o htop-MemoryMeter.o htop-Meter.o htop-MetersPanel.o htop-Object.o htop-Panel.o htop-BatteryMeter.o htop-Process.o htop-ProcessList.o htop-RichString.o htop-ScreenManager.o htop-Settings.o htop-SignalsPanel.o htop-StringUtils.o htop-SwapMeter.o htop-TasksMeter.o htop-UptimeMeter.o htop-TraceScreen.o htop-UsersTable.o htop-Vector.o htop-AvailableColumnsPanel.o htop-AffinityPanel.o htop-HostnameMeter.o htop-OpenFilesScreen.o htop-Affinity.o htop-IncSet.o htop-Action.o htop-EnvScreen.o htop-InfoScreen.o htop-XAlloc.o linux/htop-Platform.o linux/htop-IOPriorityPanel.o linux/htop-IOPriority.o linux/htop-LinuxProcess.o linux/htop-LinuxProcessList.o linux/htop-LinuxCRT.o linux/htop-Battery.o  -lncursesw -lm
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/samba_share/htop-2.0.2'
[root@client htop-2.0.2]# make install
make  install-am
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/samba_share/htop-2.0.2'
make[2]: Entering directory `/root/samba_share/htop-2.0.2'
 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/bin'
  /bin/sh ./libtool   --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c htop '/usr/local/bin'
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c htop /usr/local/bin/htop
 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/share/applications'
 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 htop.desktop '/usr/local/share/applications'
 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/share/man/man1'
 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 htop.1 '/usr/local/share/man/man1'
 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/share/pixmaps'
 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 htop.png '/usr/local/share/pixmaps'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/samba_share/htop-2.0.2'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/samba_share/htop-2.0.2'
[root@client htop-2.0.2]# htop
于 2017-01-30T12:15:32.460 回答