I have the following xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <add order-id="1" symbol="ABC" price="5" quantity="200" />
    <add order-id="2" symbol="123" price="15" quantity="100" />
    <add order-id="3" symbol="ABC" price="5" quantity="300" />
    <add order-id="4" symbol="ABC" price="7" quantity="150" />
    <edit order-id="1" price="7" quantity="200" />
    <remove order-id="4" />
    <add order-id="5" symbol="123" price="17" quantity="300" />
    <add order-id="6" symbol="123" price="12" quantity="150" />
    <edit order-id="3" price="7" quantity="200" />
    <remove order-id="5" />

I need to parse this using linq into the following object structure:

 internal class OrderAction
        private readonly Action action;
        private readonly Order order;
        public Action Action { get { return action; }}
        public Order Order { get { return order; }}

        public OrderAction(Action action,Order order)
            this.action = action;
            this.order = order;

where an action is public enum Action { ADD, REMOVE, EDIT }

an order is as follows:

class Order
        public Order(long orderId, String symbol, int price, int quantity)
            this.orderId = orderId;
            this.symbol = symbol;
            this.price = price;
            this.quantity = quantity;

        public long orderId { get; private set; }
        public String symbol { get; private set; }
        public int price { get; private set; }
        public int quantity { get; private set; }

I need to load the xml into an xdocument and find all the IEnumerable of orderactions in the file. How can i do this, without resorting into serialization attributes?


2 回答 2



     XElement doc = XElement.Load("d:\\tst.xml");

     List<OrderAction> lst = doc.Elements().Select(x =>
       new OrderAction(
          Enum.Parse(typeof (Action),
          new Order(
             x.Attribute("symbol") != null ? x.Attribute("symbol").Value : "",
             x.Attribute("price") != null ? int.Parse(x.Attribute("price").Value) : 0,
             x.Attribute("quantity") != null ? int.Parse(x.Attribute("quantity").Value): 0))

我花了一段时间......我不习惯那么大的 linq 解析

于 2013-09-12T15:38:32.997 回答

Order在“编辑和删除”的情况下,缺少的属性的值应该是什么?我假设stringand int...

这将是 LINQ 语句(假设您的XDocument被调用doc):

var result = doc
    .Select(elem => new OrderAction
                (Action)Enum.Parse(typeof(Action), elem.Name.LocalName.ToUpper()),
                new Order
                    elem.Attributes("order-id").Select(x => long.Parse(x.Value)).FirstOrDefault(),
                    elem.Attributes("symbol").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault(),
                    elem.Attributes("price").Select(x => int.Parse(x.Value)).FirstOrDefault(),
                    elem.Attributes("quantity").Select(x => int.Parse(x.Value)).FirstOrDefault()
于 2013-09-12T15:28:22.347 回答