Im currently trying to spin up a application, but when I run WAMP and try to access my site I get the following errors.....\models\ is not writable .....\persistent\ is not writable.....\app\tmp\cache\ is not writable. Now with that being said I have did my homework and looked around and it seems there is a permissions problem within my application and I need to set permissions with the following....chmod -R 777 app/tmp , but Im not sure how I got about setting those permissions. In addition, my website is basically a white screen with a little text. Can someone set me straight. Your input will be greatly appreciated.


2 回答 2



即使在做了一个之后我也遇到了这个问题chmod -R 777 app/tmp

什么解决了我的问题:chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t 'tmp'


于 2014-03-13T05:07:02.153 回答

好的,我解决了我的问题。我在 tmp 文件夹中添加了 3 个文件夹。第一个是缓存。之后我深入到缓存文件夹并添加了 2 个额外的文件夹(模型、持久性)。完成后,我仍然收到一个错误(\app\tmp\cache\ 不可写)。为了修复它,我打开了 Apache 并转到 httpd.conf 文件并编辑了 #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so .....我删除了 # 并解决了我的头痛!我希望这篇文章对某人有所帮助!

于 2013-09-12T16:49:43.537 回答