我已经阅读了很多有关此功能的信息,并且了解它在 Web 环境中的工作原理。这篇文章给出了很好的解释。 onUpdated 是如何工作的



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When you encapsulate a web app to build a native app using a framework like PhoneGap for example, you have to build the Sencha app in package mode that disable the use of the manifest, finally you have to copy the built app in the native OS specific folder of your app and build it to make the binary, so, the web app sources are inside your native binary and not downloaded from a server.

So, the "onUpdate" event is never triggered in native apps and you have to manually release a new version of the app every time you change the web app sources.

于 2013-09-12T21:06:15.083 回答