我正在尝试使用 iOS 在 Twitter 上发布一条推文twitter.framework
,不知何故,在发布请求完成后它没有向我显示任何错误,但是它没有在 Twitter 上发布任何内容!
ACAccountStore *account = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
ACAccountType *accountType = [account accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierTwitter];
NSArray *arrayOfAccounts = [account accountsWithAccountType:accountType];
if (!arrayOfAccounts)
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"No Twitter Account" message:@"There are no Twitter accounts configured. You can add or create a Twitter account in the main Settings section of your phone device." delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil, nil];
[alert show];
[alert release];
// Request access from the user to access their Twitter account
[account requestAccessToAccountsWithType:accountType withCompletionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error)
// Did user allow us access?
if (granted == YES)
// Populate array with all available Twitter accounts
NSArray *arrayOfAccounts = [account accountsWithAccountType:accountType];
if ([arrayOfAccounts count] > 0)
// Keep it simple, use the first account available
ACAccount *acct = [arrayOfAccounts objectAtIndex:0];
TWRequest *postRequest = [[TWRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://upload.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json"] parameters:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"This is a sample message!" forKey:@"status"] requestMethod:TWRequestMethodPOST];
[postRequest setAccount:acct];
// Perform the request created above and create a handler block to handle the response.
[postRequest performRequestWithHandler:^(NSData *responseData, NSHTTPURLResponse *urlResponse, NSError *error)
NSLog(@"Twitter Request failed with error: %@",[error localizedDescription]);
NSLog(@"Twitter response, HTTP response: %i", [urlResponse statusCode]);
NSLog(@"Message %@",[NSHTTPURLResponse localizedStringForStatusCode:[urlResponse statusCode]]);
2013-09-12 19:51:40.103 MyApp [8380:21603] Twitter 响应,HTTP 响应:410
2013-09-12 19:51:44.053 MyApp [8380:21603] 消息不再存在
1) 我已经在设置中配置了一个 Twitter 帐户。
在浏览器中链接并打印以下 JSON 响应!
errors: [
message: "The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API v1.1. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/overview.",code: 68
怎么了?我错过了什么?有没有一种简单的方法可以迁移到新的 API?