我的 Android 应用程序 (Java+NDK) 报告了许多由 0xdeadd00d 引起的崩溃(信号)。众所周知,它是 Dalvik VM abort 的简写。这些都没有发生在我的 JNI 调用中,但信号处理发生在原生世界中。但是本机崩溃报告通常报告的内容(寄存器、堆栈)对于调试这些内容没有用。

有没有办法从本机信号处理程序访问 Java 调用堆栈?或者转储最近的 logcat 活动的一部分?


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解决方案:在信号处理程序中为 deadd00d 引入一个特殊条件。读取 logcat 的最后 1024 字节,将其塞入崩溃日志。


//n is the length of the file tail to read
//Returns # of byte read
size_t ReadLogcat(char *Buf, size_t n)
    char s[sizeof(s_DataPath) + 30];
    //s_DataPath contains the result of Context.getDir("Data")

    strcpy(s, "logcat -d -f ");
    char *fn = s + strlen(s);
    strcat(s, s_DataPath);
    strcat(s, "/logcat"); //Temp file for the logcat
    size_t r = 0;
    system(s); //Dump the snapshot of the logcat into the file called logcat
    FILE *f = fopen(fn, "r");
        fseek(f, -n, SEEK_END); //We need the end of the file
        r = fread(Buf, 1, n, f);
    unlink(fn); //Don't need the logcat file anymore
    return r;

static void DumpLogcat(FILE *f)
    char Buf[1024];
    size_t r;
    if(r = ReadLogcat(Buf, sizeof(Buf)))
        fputs("\nLogcat:\n", f);
        fwrite(Buf, 1, r, f);

void OnSignal(int signal, siginfo_t *si, void *p)
    FILE *f = OpenCrashLog(); //opens a file in the data dir; details are irrelevant

    //Lots of data dumping here... Version, stack, registers, etc.

    if((unsigned)si->si_addr == 0xdeadd00d) //Try and dump some Logcat
于 2013-11-14T17:11:30.533 回答