
public interface IEntity
    string Foo { get; }
    void Bar(int x);

public class EntityFactory 
    public static IEntity createEntity() 
        return new Entity();

internal class Entity : DynamicObject, IEntity
    public void Bar(int x)
        Console.WriteLine("inside Bar");
        Console.WriteLine("bar {0}", x);

    public string Foo
            Console.WriteLine("inside Foo getter");
            return "foo";

    public override bool TryInvokeMember(InvokeMemberBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
        Console.WriteLine("inside TryInvokeMember(binder.Name = '{0}')", binder.Name);
        return base.TryInvokeMember(binder, args, out result);

    public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
        Console.WriteLine("inside TryGetMember(binder.Name = '{0}')", binder.Name);
        if (binder.Name == "SomeVar")
            result = 42;
            return true;
        return base.TryGetMember(binder, out result);


public static void Main(string[] args)
    dynamic entity = EntityFactory.createEntity();
    Console.WriteLine("entity.Foo = {0}", entity.Foo);
    Console.WriteLine("entity.SomeVar = {0}", entity.SomeVar);


inside Foo getter
entity.Foo = foo
inside TryInvokeMember(binder.Name = 'Bar')
inside TryGetMember(binder.Name = 'Bar')


Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: `EntityLib.Entity.Bar(int)' is inaccessible due to its protection level


更新:在 Mono 上观察到所描述的行为。FooMicrosoft 在访问属性时已经失败。以下代码按预期工作:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var entity = EntityFactory.createEntity();
    Console.WriteLine("entity.Foo = {0}", entity.Foo);

    dynamic e = entity;
    Console.WriteLine("entity.SomeVar = {0}", e.SomeVar);



1 回答 1

 internal class Entity ....

The dynamic keyword is not a workaround for restricted accessibility. The Entity class is declared internal, so trying to call its Bar() method from code that is not part of the assembly that Entity lives in is going to be rejected by the binder, the message leaves little to the imagination:

EntityLib.Entity.Bar(int)' is inaccessible due to its protection level

The logical way to get ahead is to declare the Entity class public. If that's a problem for some reason then you can break the rules with Reflection. You'll need to use BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlag.Instance options in the Type.GetMethod() call.

As to the core question, I'll happily dismiss that as a bug. The C# DLR binder is impossible to reverse-engineer. Not in the least because the code for it isn't included in the Reference Source, Microsoft does appear to treat it like a trade secret. It is. You can file it at connect.microsoft.com

于 2013-09-14T21:56:22.457 回答