I have an internal web page that connects to an SQL2000 database, pulls the data and then displays it on a table. The SQL query takes on average 3 seconds to get the full results (in this instance 59 rows).
select Call_Ref, per_data7, dbo.dateonly(Scheduled_Date_Time) as sched_date, Call_Status_Description, Add1, Add2, Post_Code, contract_short_name, Call_Type_Description, LUCFC_Description, sched_colour_code
from Calls with (nolock)
inner join Clients with (nolock) on Link_to_Client=Client_Ref
left join Personnel with (nolock) on Last_Allocated_To=Pers_Ref
left join LU_Call_Types with (nolock) on Call_Type=Call_Type_Code
left join Personnel_More with (nolock) on Last_Allocated_To=PER_Link_to_Pers_Ref
left join LU_Call_Fault_codes with (nolock) on call_fault_code_1=LUCFC_Code
left join LU_Call_Status with (nolock) on Last_Event_Status=Call_Status_Code
left join call_more on call_ref=callm_link_to_call
left join contractids on link_to_contract_header=contract_ref
where dbo.dateonly(Scheduled_Date_Time) between '09/09/2013' and '13/09/2013'
and Call_Type in ('BC','IN')
and PER_Data7 in ('Team 1','Team 2','Team 3','Team 4','Team 5','Team 6','Team 7','Team 8','Team 9','Team 10','Gas1')
and Call_Status_Description in ('Allocated','Reported Done','Complete')
or CALLM_Data21 between '19/08/2013' and '23/08/2013'
and CALLM_Data22 in ('Team 1','Team 2','Team 3','Team 4','Team 5','Team 6','Team 7','Team 8','Team 9','Team 10','Gas1')
and link_to_contract_header = 'BGAS-1'
and call_type not in ('BC','IN')
and call_status_description not in ('Cancelled')
order by per_data7, dbo.dateonly(Scheduled_Date_Time)
I am then displaying those results in a table, using do/while loops and if statements to filter the results into where they should be displayed in the table - the problem is that each of those takes an additional 3 seconds to display - thus the complete web page takes around 3 and half minutes to fully load (i had to extend the timeout to allow to fully load).
I need to get this down to a usable amount of time.
The webserver is Windows IIS and the web page is basic html, classic-asp with some VB. It server also has PHP installed, but i am not sure which version.
I have attached the files in a ZIP for anyone to look at.
So, guys.... what can I do to get this page to load in a timescale that makes it actually usable?
A viewable version of the page is here
which I will leave there for a day or so.