I am using Bootstrap 3.0 dist and I am following some Bootstrap tutorial now, trying to learn how it works. I did everything exactly as in the tutorial (it is for v2, so I changed the classes to v3) and I do not use any custom CSS or anything and in the tutorial the images resize when you simply resize the window, but in mine it stays same and wrecks everything. Also according to the tutorial images should stay centered inside the boxes (the 3 images).


2 回答 2


在 bootstrap 3 中,默认情况下图像不再响应。对流体大小使用.img-responsive

文档: http: //getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#migration-dropped

于 2013-09-12T14:29:46.807 回答

您是否尝试将 class="img-responsive" 添加到有问题的图像中?

于 2013-09-12T14:06:30.183 回答