import random
print 'Welcome to Rock, paper, scissors!'
firstto=raw_input('How many points do you want to play before it ends? ')
while True:
choice = raw_input ('Press R for rock, press P for paper or press S for scissors, CAPITALS!!! ')
opponent = random.choice(['rock', 'paper' ,'scissors' ])
print 'Computer has chosen', opponent
if choice == 'R' and opponent == "rock":
print 'Tie'
playerscore = playerscore+0
compscore = compscore+0
elif choice == 'P' and opponent == "paper":
print 'Tie'
playerscore = playerscore+0
compscore = compscore+0
elif choice == 'S' and opponent == "scissors":
print 'Tie'
playerscore = playerscore+0
compscore = compscore+0
elif choice == 'R' and opponent == "paper":
print 'CPU Wins'
playerscore = playerscore+0
compscore = compscore+1
elif choice == 'P' and opponent == "scissors":
print 'CPU Wins'
playerscore = playerscore+0
compscore = compscore+1
elif choice == 'S' and opponent == "rock":
print 'CPU Wins'
playerscore = playerscore+0
compscore = compscore+1
elif choice == 'P' and opponent == "rock":
print 'You Win'
playerscore = playerscore+1
compscore = compscore+0
elif choice == 'S' and opponent == "paper":
print 'You Win'
playerscore = playerscore+1
compscore = compscore+0
elif choice == 'R' and opponent == "scissors":
print 'You Win'
playerscore = playerscore+1
compscore = compscore+0
print 'Player score is',playerscore
print 'Computer score is',compscore
if playerscore == firstto:
'You won the game :)'
elif compscore == firstto:
'You lost the game :('