我无法将 Datetimepicker 设置为 Null,该怎么做。在我的项目中,我的要求是验证 DTPif 它是否为空,因为我需要设置为空,我使用的代码是:
dateInsert.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
dateInsert.Text = string.Empty;
我无法将 Datetimepicker 设置为 Null,该怎么做。在我的项目中,我的要求是验证 DTPif 它是否为空,因为我需要设置为空,我使用的代码是:
dateInsert.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
dateInsert.Text = string.Empty;
dateTimePicker1.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
dateTimePicker1.CustomFormat = " ";
当 DateTimePicker 值改变时取一个变量并设置它的值
DateTime? myselectedDate = null;
private void DateTimePicker1_ValueChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) {
myselectedDate = DateTimePicker1.Value;
我有一个类似的问题,但我找不到我喜欢的答案。不过,我确实想出了一个合适的解决方案。将 datetimepicker 的“ShowCheckBox”属性设置为 true。这将在框中的日期旁边放置一个复选框。然后添加以下代码。
if (dateTimePicker1.Checked == false)
myVariable = "";
myVariable = dateTimePicker1;
就像上面提到的“karthik reddy”一样,您需要使用“CustomFormat”,但是要将空值写回 SQL 数据库(例如),您的代码必须在“添加”或“更新”记录时检查 DateTimePicker,所以你至少需要两段代码。其中 a) 'dtp_X' 是 DateTimePicker 控件,b) '_NewRecord' 是发送回 SQL 服务器的自定义对象,c) 'TheDateProperty' 是自定义对象的特定日期字段或属性
//Call this when the form Loads
private void AllowTheDatePickersToBeSetToNothing()
//This let's you set the DatePicker to nothing
dtp_X.CustomFormat = " ";
dtp_X.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
// Call this when Uploading or Adding the record (_NewRecord) to an SQL database
private void Set_The_Field_Value_based_on_the_CustomFormat_of_the_DateTimePickers()
if (dtp_X.CustomFormat == " ")
//the date should be null
_NewRecord.TheDateProperty = SqlDateTime.Null;
_NewRecord.TheDateProperty = SqlDateTime.Parse(Convert.ToString(dtp_X.Value));
//This button resets the Custom Format, so that the user has a way to reset the DateTimePicker Control
private void btn_Reset_dtp_X_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
dtp_X.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
dtp_X.CustomFormat = " ";