I've done a fair bit of reading on this, and haven't seen an answer that I can get to work. Is it possible to make the parent div height adjust to the height of the absolutely positioned list-item ?

For now, I've compensated by adding large amount of margin.. real large.. but that is not the correct solution here.

The html looks like this: Simple..

<div class="home-section products">
  <div id="gallery-container">
      <li class="one"><img src="showcase-five.jpg"></li>
      <li class="two"><img src="showcase-four.jpg"></li>
      <li class="three"><img src="showcase-one.jpg"></li>
      <li class="four"><img src="showcase-three.jpg"></li>
      <li class="five"><img src="showcase-two.jpg"></li>

I need the li height to make the .home-section adapt to its height.

If posting a link to the development site is allowed, I'd be happy to share it and allow you to inspect the code in question.



1 回答 1




如果您需要保留<li>'s ,理论上您可以使用 Javascriptposition: absolute;

于 2013-09-12T02:05:26.227 回答