I want to show users how long has been elapsed since they performed an action.
The date+time of the action happening is stored on the server, in the server's timezone. That's what's causing the trouble, since if the user's computer's timezone is 12 hours ahead of the server's timezone, then if the user adds something right now, moment.js will show '12 hours ago' as the output of fromNow()
rather than just now
To try to solve this, I'm trying the following method:
var actionTime = moment( action.timeStamp);//time of when user performed action
var serverTime = moment().zone('-07:00'); //current server time
console.debug( serverTime);//outputs Wed Sep 11 2013 15:19:51 GMT-0700
var timeAgo = serverTime.from( actionTime);
But despite of all this, timeAgo
still shows the difference between the client's timezone and the server's timezone (i.e showing '12 hours ago' instead of 'now');
Anyone know how to fix this or what I'm doing wrong?