I'm a little confused as to what the collection URI's should return.
Say I have a collection, /users
of decently large elements. Then we have the expected:
GET /users/123 // returns user element with identifier 123
But what should
GET /users
return? If the collection is large, and the elements are large, it's probably not a good thing to return all elements. Perhaps instead, GET
requests at the /users
level should return element summaries (identifiers and possibly a few properties), while GET
requests at the /users/
level should return actual elements. Then you could do something like;
GET /users
> [{name: abc, id: 1}, {name: def, id: 2}, {name: ghi, id: 3}, ...]
GET /users/2
> {name: def, prop1: *, prop2: *, ...}
Which could be a good way to lazily load data if you wanted to preview important application-domain properties before requesting them in their entirety. With this, in order to apply queries, you'd do something like
GET /users?prop1=value // returns element summaries of elements with prop1=value
GET /users/?prop1=value // returns elements with prop1 = value
Is this approach OK? Or do the other methods acting on /users
then loose meaning.. (ex. PUT /users