我正在通过 Eclipse PDE 开发一个插件,我在创建标记时遇到了生成过多 ResourceChangeEvents 的问题(每次调用 setAttribute(..) 和 file.createMarker(..) 都会生成一个更改事件,所以我想将所有代码简化为单个更改事件)。因此,我正在尝试使用 IWorkspaceRunnable 对工作区进行一组更改。
我想等到 workspace.run(..) 完成后再返回我的变量“MarkerField.marker_”(否则我将返回“null”)。例如,如果我使用 Eclipse 的作业管理器,我可以使用 Job.join() 让我的调用线程等待作业完成。那么,有没有办法让调用线程等到 workspace.run(..) 完成?
// Generates and returns a marker given absolute position
public static IMarker generateMarker(final IFile file, final String message, final String markerType,
final int severity, final int priority, final int start,
final int end)
throws CoreException, BadLocationException,
// Setting up "line" for marker generation.
final int line = ResourceUtility.convertToDocument(file).getLineOfOffset(start);
IWorkspace workspace = ResourceUtility.getWorkspace();
IWorkspaceRunnable operation = new IWorkspaceRunnable()
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
// Marker generation code...
IMarker marker = file.createMarker(markerType);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, message);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.PRIORITY, priority);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, line + 1);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_START, start);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_END, end);
marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, severity);
MarkerField.marker_ = marker;
workspace.run(operation, null);
// Check/wait until the thread is finished.
return MarkerField.marker_; //I want to ensure this is non-null!
// Wrapper class to return marker instance in generate marker methods
// Effectively works as a pointer to a pointer
static class MarkerField
@SuppressWarnings("null") public static IMarker marker_;