Maybe this is a stupid idea, but I wonder whether it's possible (and maybe it's even the wrong place to ask, so please correct me if I'm wrong).

I was wondering whether the following is possible:

  • Take a powered-off Raspberry Pi.
  • Connect it to a network switch.

Then, from another computer:

  • Send a signal to the switch (and hence to the Pi) to wake the Pi up.
  • Transfer the operating system to the Pi via the network, so that the Pi boots to whatever you send to it.
  • Transfer the initial setup of files & co. to the Pi to setup the environment.

Is this doable?

My idea was to use SD-card-less Pis and equip them purely via the network. This would make managing a lots of Pis from a central location very easy, and you could control the setup from a central point.

What do you think?

If it's not possible: What may come close to it? Can you run Vagrant on the Pi, e.g.?


1 回答 1


虽然这可能不属于 SO(有一个专门用于 Raspberry Pi 的 SE 站点),但我会在这里回答。

据我了解,Pi 上的烧录引导加载程序是硬连线的,可以从 SD 卡中提取文件。而且 Pi 也没有 PXE 之类的东西,它可以从其他平台的网络上下载操作系统映像。

此外,Pi 没有真正的“关闭”状态。如果它插入电源,它正在运行。你也许可以用 PoE 做一些事情,但我不确定是否有任何你可以控制的网络。你也许可以用一个连接到以太网的 Arduino 来做一些事情,将 5V 电源切换到 pi,但这似乎有点矫枉过正。

因此,没有 SD 卡就无法启动 Pi,但是,您可以在其上放置一个 linux 内核,并带有一个连接到真实文件系统根目录的 initrd(如果 Pi 内核支持它,否则只是一个基本用户空间)别的地方。如果您希望内核也位于 NFS 上,您也许可以做一些 kexec 恶作剧(也不确定)。


于 2013-09-11T21:24:45.997 回答