could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type spray.httpx.marshalling.Marshaller[scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String]]
import spray.routing.HttpService
import akka.actor.Actor
import spray.http.HttpRequest
import spray.routing.RequestContext
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
class UserServiceActor extends Actor with RestUserService {
def actorRefFactory = context
def receive = runRoute(linkRoute)
trait RestUserService extends HttpService {
val userService = new LinkUserService
def linkRoute =
pathPrefix("user" / Segment) {
userId =>
path("link") {
parameters('service ! "YT") {
complete {
Map("status"-> "OK", "auth_url" -> "http://mydomain.com/auth")
根据这个测试,我应该能够在导入 DefaultJsonProtocol._ 时将 Map 转换为 json,但即使这样也失败了:
val map:Map[String, String] = Map("hi"->"bye")
Cannot find JsonWriter or JsonFormat type class for scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String]