我有一个产品数据库(面板仪表),每一行都有一个唯一的型号和有关该型号的信息。我创建了一个搜索,允许用户搜索型号和输入类型(这些是可以接收标准 4-20mA 或自定义范围等信号的过程仪表)。除了搜索之外,该脚本还创建了 3 个独特的链接数组,我希望这些链接可以单击以缩小结果范围。到目前为止,它使用这些 php 片段来创建链接列表:
//create a series list
$uniqueseries[] = "<a href='#' onclick='document.searchform.submit()'>{$row['series']}</a>";
//create a inputs list
$uniqueinputs[] = "<a href='#' onclick='document.searchform.submit()'>{$row['sio']}</a>";
//create a series list
$uniquepowers[] = "<a href='#' onclick='document.searchform.submit()'>{$row['pso']}</a>";
//create array of unique series types
$uniqueseries = array_unique($uniqueseries);
//create array of unique input types
$uniqueinputs = array_unique($uniqueinputs);
//create array of unique power types
$uniquepowers = array_unique($uniquepowers);
对于每组链接,它首先创建一个非唯一链接数组(一个用于 MySQL 最初返回的每个结果),然后我使用 array_unique 将数组缩减为唯一链接。然后在我的搜索页面上,我使用类似 ", $uniqueseries); ?> 来打印出链接数组。
我想要发生的是,当用户单击链接时,它会通过重新提交原始 MySQL 查询并附加精炼查询来缩小搜索结果。这种行为的一个例子出现在亚马逊搜索中,用户可以单击左侧的链接,该链接将保留相同的搜索,但将其缩小到某个部门,甚至是该产品独有的选项(即搜索时的内存数量)搜索相机时的计算机或像素数。)
在我的情况下,如果我的用户通过搜索型号和输入类型(默认的两个键)来开始搜索,比如使用术语“4 到 20”,我的用户将收到超过 3500 个结果返回给他们(我们有一个非常大型产品目录。)左侧将是我希望改进结果的唯一链接列表。因此,如果用户在“电源”选项下看到“120 V AC 电池支持数据”,我希望单击该链接以返回所有具有 4 到 20 mA 输入的仪表(您可以在生成的输入选项下看到多种变化)但是只有当他们有“120 V AC 和电池支持数据”作为“电源”源时。
我觉得我走在正确的轨道上,但在 PHP 方面我还是个新手。
//creates DB connection
$dbHost = 'host';
$dbUser = 'user';
$dbPass = 'pass';
$dbDatabase = 'db';
$con = mysql_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass) or trigger_error("Failed to connect to MySQL Server. Error: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbDatabase) or trigger_error("Failed to connect to database {$dbDatabase}. Error: " . mysql_error());
$time_start = microtime(true);
//create arrays for results and errors
$error = array();
$results = array();
//creates arrays holding values for narrowing results
$uniqueseries = array();
$uniqueinputs = array();
$uniquepowers = array();
$uniquedigsize = array();
$uniquedignum = array ();
$uniquedigcol = array();
$uniquedistype = array();
//reset some variables if needed
isset($_GET['page'])?"":$_GET['page'] = 1;
isset($resultcount)?"":$resultcount = 0;
if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
//removes HTML/JS
$searchString = trim($_GET['search']);
$searchStripped = strip_tags($searchString);
//prevents SQL injections
$searchSan = mysql_real_escape_string($searchStripped);
if (count($error) <1) { //search continues if no errors exist
$searchSQL = "SELECT series, model, img, pso, sio, dig_size, dig_num, dig_col FROM meters WHERE levenshtein('%{$searchSan}%',model) < 4 OR levenshtein('%{$searchSan}%',sio) < 4 ORDER BY model";
$searchResult = mysql_query($searchSQL) or trigger_error("There was an error with MySQL. " . mysql_error() . "<br> Query was {$searchSQL}.");
if (mysql_num_rows($searchResult) < 1) {
$error[] = "The search term '{$searchString}' yielded no results.";
} else {
$i = 1;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($searchResult)) {
$results[] = "<tr><td align='center'>{$i}</td> <td align='center'><a href='/catalog/{$row['series']}.pdf'>{$row['series']}</a></td> <td align='center'><img src='/img/productimg/small/{$row['img']}'></td> <td align='center'>{$row['model']}</td> <td> {$row['sio']}</td> <td> {$row['pso']}</td> <td align='center'>{$row['dig_num']}</td> <td align='center'>{$row['dig_size']}\"</td> <td align='center'>{$row['dig_col']}</td></tr>";
//create a series list
$uniqueseries[] = "<a href='#' onclick='document.searchform.submit()'>{$row['series']}</a>";
//create a inputs list
$uniqueinputs[] = "<a href='#' onclick='document.searchform.submit()'>{$row['sio']}</a>";
//create a series list
$uniquepowers[] = "<a href='#' onclick='document.searchform.submit()'>{$row['pso']}</a>";
//create array of unique series types
$uniqueseries = array_unique($uniqueseries);
//create array of unique input types
$uniqueinputs = array_unique($uniqueinputs);
//create array of unique power types
$uniquepowers = array_unique($uniquepowers);
//results paginator
$resultcount = count($results); //number of results
$perpage = 5; //number of results per page
$totalpages = ceil($resultcount / $perpage); //calculates total number of pages
$startresult = (($_GET['page'] - 1) * $perpage); //calculates the first result number for page
$brokenresults = array_slice($results, $startresult, $perpage); //slices array into groups set by $perpage
$nextpage = $_GET['page'] + 1; //calculate next page number
$lastpage = $_GET['page'] - 1; //calculates last page number
function removeEmpty($var) {
return (!empty($var));
$execution_time = (microtime (true) - $time_start); //calculates script processing time
<!-- Google Analytics Script -->
<?php include_once("scripts/analyticstracking.php") ?>
<div class="wrapper"> <!-- Sticky Footer Wrapper -->
<div id="panorama"></div>
<div id="header">
<?php include("include/header/banner.php") ?>
<?php include("include/header/nav.php") ?>
<?php include("include/header/quicksearch.php") ?>
<form method="GET" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" name="searchform" id="searchform">
<div id="content">
<?php include("scripts/searchbackend.php") ?>
<?php include("scripts/searchform.php") ?>
<?php include("scripts/searchoptions.php") ?>
<div id="searchresults">
echo (count($error) > 0)?"The following had errors:<br /><span id=\"error\">" . implode("<br />", $error) . "</span><br /><br />":"";
echo ($resultcount > 0)?"<table id='searchtable' ><thead align='center'><tr><th width='50px'></th><th width='50px'>Series</th><th width='50px'>Image</th><th width='85px'>Model</th><th width='50px'>Input</th><th width='50px'>Power Supply</th><th width='50px'># of Digits</th><th width='50px'>Digit Size</th><th width='50px'>Display Color</th></tr></thead><tbody>" . implode("", $brokenresults) . "</tbody></table>":""; //returns results
<div id="resultsfooter">
if (count($results) > 5) {
echo ($_GET['page'] > 1)?"<br><a href='/search.php?search={$_GET['search']}&page={$lastpage}'>Previous</a>" . " Page {$_GET['page']}/{$totalpages} " . "<a href='/search.php?search={$_GET['search']}&page={$nextpage}'>Next</a>":"<br>Page {$_GET['page']}/{$totalpages} " . "<a href='/search.php?search={$_GET['search']}&page={$nextpage}'>Next</a>";
echo ($resultcount > 0)?" | Search found {$resultcount} results in {$execution_time} seconds.":""; //result count and time
<div class="footer">
<?php include("include/footer/footer.php") ?>
<div id="searchoptions">
<fieldset id="searchin" class="searchoptions">
<legend>Serach In</legend>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="model" <?php echo isset($_GET['model'])?"checked":''; ?> /><label class='checklabel'>Model</label><br>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="input" <?php echo isset($_GET['input'])?"checked":''; ?> /><label class='checklabel'>Input</label>
<fieldset class="searchoptions" style="<?php if (count($uniqueseries) < 2) {echo "Display: none;";} ?>">
<?php echo implode("<br>", $uniqueseries); ?>
<fieldset class="searchoptions" style="<?php if (count($uniqueinputs) < 2) {echo "Display: none;";} ?>">
<?php echo implode("<br>", $uniqueinputs); ?>
<fieldset class="searchoptions" style="<?php if (count($uniquepowers) < 2) {echo "Display: none;";} ?>">
<?php echo implode("<br>", $uniquepowers) ?>
<input type="submit" class="" value="Update Search" style="" <?php if (!isset($types)) { if (isset($_GET['model'])) {"`model` LIKE '%{$searchSan}%'";} elseif (isset($_GET['input'])) {"`input` LIKE '%{$searchSan}%'";} } ?> />
我在我们的测试站点上有我的最新更改,您可以在此处访问: new.foxmeter.com 尝试搜索“FM”或“4 到 20”,因为这是我在示例中使用的。截至目前,“4-20”和“4 20”不会返回与“4 to 20”相同的结果,但我可以做到,而且它还没有在我的列表顶部。
我还希望以前的搜索能够持续。因此搜索从“4 到 20”开始,然后缩小到只有 4 到 20 个过程仪表,使用“120 V AC 电池支持数据”电源,然后再次缩小范围将保持“4 到 20 个过程,120 V AC电池支持的数据”之前的改进以及新的改进。