几个月前,我意识到我需要每年用一个新链接更新一个侧边栏。现在,我决定创建一个 javascript 文件并将其链接到每个页面,而不是浏览每个页面并插入链接(大约 20 页)。该脚本将创建链接并将它们附加到页面。这意味着每次我们需要创建一个新链接时,我们只需要在 javascript 文件中添加一个新行,更改就会反映在每个页面上。基本上减少了浏览所有页面和添加新链接所浪费的时间。我想知道这是否是一个好的做法,会不会有我没有预见到的问题?
function createVolume (text, link){
var volDiv = document.createElement("div");
var textDiv = document.createTextNode(text);
var linkDiv = document.createElement("a");
linkDiv.setAttribute("href", link);
volDiv.setAttribute("class", "volume");
var d = document.getElementById("e27");
var bhbHome = createVolume("BHB Home", "bhb.html");
var v76 = createVolume("Volume 76", "bhb76.html");
var v75 = createVolume("Volume 75", "bhb75.html");
var v74 = createVolume("Volume 74", "bhb74.html");
var v73 = createVolume("Volume 73", "bhb73.html");
var v72 = createVolume("Volume 72", "bhb72.html");
var v71 = createVolume("Volume 71", "bhb71.html");
var v70 = createVolume("Volume 70", "bhb70.html");
var v69 = createVolume("Volume 69", "bhb69.html");
var v68 = createVolume("Volume 68", "bhb68.html");
var v67 = createVolume("Volume 67", "bhb67.html");
var v6566 = createVolume("Volume 65 and 66", "bhb_65_66.html");
var v64 = createVolume("Volume 64", "bhb64.html");
var v63 = createVolume("Volume 63", "bhb63.html");
var v626160 = createVolume("Volume 60, 61, and 62", "bhb_60_61_62.html");
var v59 = createVolume("Volume 59","bhb59.html");