Given that you can launch an installed android app using an NFC tag with a URL on it, using, e.g.:

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:scheme="https"
          android:pathPrefix="/something" />

And that you can make that shorter using a url shortening service, or your own domain, and that redirects to the play store, why would you use an AAR on a tag? (Also, I believe the AAR intent wont pass data to the app).

I'm looking to make a tag that supports multiple OS, with as few bytes as possible - if I create a website that has links to each phone's store, what advantage is there to including an AAR or LaunchApp record on the tag?


1 回答 1


为什么要在标签上使用 AAR?

因为您的(原始的、预编辑的)建议的 URL 会导致标签始终进入 Play 商店。AAR 旨在在设备上没有可以处理主要 NFC 记录的应用程序时进入Play 商店。有关更多信息,请参阅我自己的问题的回答。


  • 该标签应该只对您的应用有效

  • 设备上没有其他任何东西宣传对该特定主机和路径前缀的支持

于 2013-09-11T14:01:46.443 回答