I'm porting a Qt application to Qt 5.1.1 from 4.8.5, and the sizegrip that used to be placed in the status bar on the right is gone on mac OS X. I checked the designer when creating the ui and it says that the grip is enabled. It is shown in the designer but the application when running does not display it.

I ran the same application on Windows, and there this issue is not present.

I am using Qt 5.1.1 on MacOSX 10.7.5. Am I missing something?


1 回答 1


我记得读过它已在较新的版本中被禁用以保持与 OS X 的平等,因为尺寸手柄不再出现在 Cocoa 中。我相信实际上有一个编译时选项可以重新启用它,或者您实际上可以QSizeGrip自己指定一个应该将其恢复的选项。

于 2013-09-12T12:28:23.227 回答