I'm trying to organise a load of data into a Hash of Hashes of Arrays. The following works fine when I'm manually declaring values etc:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;

my %experiment = (
    'gene1' =>  {
                       'condition1' => ['XLOC_000157', '90', '0.001'],
                       'condition2' => ['XLOC_000347','80', '0.5'],
                       'condition3' => ['XLOC_000100', '50', '0.2']
    'gene2'   =>  {
                       'condition1' => ['XLOC_025437', '100', '0.018'],
                       'condition2' => ['XLOC_000322', '77', '0.22'],
                       'condition3' => ['XLOC_001000', '43', '0.002']


And then print out key/values:

for my $gene (sort keys %experiment) {
    for my $condition ( sort keys %{$experiment{$gene}} ) {
        print "$gene\t$condition\t";
            for my $values (@{$experiment{$gene}{$condition}} ) {
                print "[$values]\t";
        print "\n";


gene1   condition1  [XLOC_000157]   [90]    [0.001] 
gene1   condition2  [XLOC_000347]   [80]    [0.5]   
gene1   condition3  [XLOC_000100]   [50]    [0.2]   
gene2   condition1  [XLOC_025437]   [100]   [0.018] 
gene2   condition2  [XLOC_000322]   [77]    [0.22]  
gene2   condition3  [XLOC_001000]   [43]    [0.002] 

However, the real data I'm working on is too large to manually declare, so I want to be able to achieve the same result as above, but starting from arrays containing each field, for example:

Example input:

condition1    XLOC_000157    1.04564    0.999592      99.66   gene1
condition1    XLOC_000159    0.890436    0.999592    99.47   gene2
condition2    XLOC_000561    -1.05905    0.999592      91.57   gene1
condition2    XLOC_00076    -0.755473    0.999592      99.04   gene2

Split input into arrays:

my (@gene, @condition, @percent_id, @Xloc, @change, @q_value @split, %experiment);
while (<$list>) {
    @split = split('\t');
    push @condition, $split[0];
    push @Xloc, $split[1];
    push @change, $split[2];
    push @q_value, $split[3];
    push @percent_id, $split[4];
    push @gene, $split[5];

I've been building HoAs to store this in as such:

push @{$results{$gene_name[$_]} }, [ $Xloc[$_], $change, $q_value, $percent_id[$_] ] for 0 .. $#gene_name;

But I'm now trying to integrate 'condition' information for each HoA, and thus build a HoHoA. Ideally I want to do this within the while loop (hence 'dynamically') in a similar fashion as above, to achieve the following data structure:

$VAR1 = {
          'gene1' => {
                       'condition1' => [
                       'condition2' => [


          'gene2' => {
                       'condition1' => [

                       'condition2' => [



1 回答 1

my %experiment;
while (<$list>) {
    my ($condition, $xloc, $percent_id, $gene) = split /\t/;
    $experiment{$gene}{$condition} = [ $xloc, $percent_id ];
于 2013-09-11T14:25:34.803 回答