我有一个包含 2 个表格的报告页面,一个显示库存商品,另一个显示已售商品。我为他们做了一个删除选项,它在表格的右端提供了一个按钮来删除表格中的行。我遇到的问题是代码非常适合第一个表,但对于第二个表,代码将执行但数据不会从数据库中删除。
我认为正在发生的事情是由于我使用相同的代码从两个表中删除,因此只有 1 个有效。(我想我不确定)在看了一段时间试图找出我犯的潜在错误并试图看看还有什么问题之后,我决定向你寻求帮助!
$config['conn'] = array(
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'dbname' => 'inventarisdb'
$conn = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $config['conn']['host'] . ';dbname=' . $config['conn']['dbname'], $config['conn']['username'], $config['conn']['password']);
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action']: "";
if($action=='delete'){ //if the user clicked ok, run our delete query
try {
$query = "DELETE FROM BCD WHERE id = ?";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->bindParam(1, $_GET['id']);
$result = $stmt->execute();
echo "<div>Record was deleted.</div>";
}catch(PDOException $exception){ //to handle error
echo "Error: " . $exception->getMessage();
//select all data
$query = "SELECT ID, Categorie, SerieNummer, MacAdress, ProductCode, Prijs, RekNummer, PaletNummer, Hoeveelheid, Aantekeningen FROM BCD";
$stmt = $conn->prepare( $query );
//this is how to get number of rows returned
$num = $stmt->rowCount();
if($num>0){ //check if more than 0 record found
echo "<table border='1'>";//start table
//creating our table heading
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Categorie</th>";
echo "<th>SerieNummer</th>";
echo "<th>MacAdress</th>";
echo "<th>ProductCode</th>";
echo "<th>Prijs</th>";
echo "<th>RekNummer</th>";
echo "<th>PaletNummer</th>";
echo "<th>Hoeveelheid</th>";
echo "<th>Aantekeningen</th>";
echo "</tr>";
//retrieve our table contents
//fetch() is faster than fetchAll()
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
//extract row
//this will make $row['firstname'] to
//just $firstname only
//creating new table row per record
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>{$Categorie}</td>";
echo "<td>{$SerieNummer}</td>";
echo "<td>{$MacAdress}</td>";
echo "<td>{$ProductCode}</td>";
echo "<td>{$Prijs}</td>";
echo "<td>{$RekNummer}</td>";
echo "<td>{$PaletNummer}</td>";
echo "<td>{$Hoeveelheid}</td>";
echo "<td>{$Aantekeningen}</td>";
echo "<td>";
//we will use this links on next part of this post
echo "<a href='#' onclick='delete_user( {$ID} );'>Delete</a>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";//end table
}else{ //if no records found
echo "No records found.";
<script type='text/javascript'>
function delete_user( id ){
var answer = confirm('Are you sure?');
if ( answer ){ //if user clicked ok
//redirect to url with action as delete and id to the record to be deleted
window.location = 'Remove.php?action=delete&id=' + id;
$config['conn'] = array(
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'dbname' => 'inventarisdb2'
$conn = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $config['conn']['host'] . ';dbname=' . $config['conn']['dbname'], $config['conn']['username'], $config['conn']['password']);
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action']: "";
if($action=='delete'){ //if the user clicked ok, run our delete query
try {
$query = "DELETE FROM CDE WHERE id = ?";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->bindParam(1, $_GET['id']);
$result = $stmt->execute();
echo "<div>Record was deleted.</div>";
}catch(PDOException $exception){ //to handle error
echo "Error: " . $exception->getMessage();
//select all data
$query = "SELECT ID2, Klant, Categorie1, SerieNummer1, MacAdress1, ProductCode1, Prijs1, Hoeveelheid1, Aantekeningen1 FROM CDE";
$stmt = $conn->prepare( $query );
//this is how to get number of rows returned
$num = $stmt->rowCount();
if($num>0){ //check if more than 0 record found
echo "<table border='1'>";//start table
//creating our table heading
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Klant</th>";
echo "<th>Categorie1</th>";
echo "<th>SerieNummer1</th>";
echo "<th>MacAdress1</th>";
echo "<th>ProductCode1</th>";
echo "<th>Prijs1</th>";
echo "<th>Hoeveelheid1</th>";
echo "<th>Aantekeningen1</th>";
echo "</tr>";
//retrieve our table contents
//fetch() is faster than fetchAll()
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
//extract row
//this will make $row['firstname'] to
//just $firstname only
//creating new table row per record
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>{$Klant}</td>";
echo "<td>{$Categorie1}</td>";
echo "<td>{$SerieNummer1}</td>";
echo "<td>{$MacAdress1}</td>";
echo "<td>{$ProductCode1}</td>";
echo "<td>{$Prijs1}</td>";
echo "<td>{$Hoeveelheid1}</td>";
echo "<td>{$Aantekeningen1}</td>";
echo "<td>";
//we will use this links on next part of this post
echo "<a href='#' onclick='delete_user( {$ID2} );'>Delete</a>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";//end table
}else{ //if no records found
echo "No records found.";
<script type='text/javascript'>
function delete_user( id ){
var answer = confirm('Are you sure?');
if ( answer ){ //if user clicked ok
//redirect to url with action as delete and id to the record to be deleted
window.location = 'Remove.php?action=delete&id=' + id;
表 2 的代码与表 1 的代码完全相同,除了 DB 和表的名称等。