是的,可以在保持先前对 3 个字符值的编码的同时对额外的信息位进行编码。但是由于您的原始编码不会在输出集中留下干净整洁的自由数字,因此通过添加额外字符引入的额外字符串集的映射只能有点不连续。
我懒得重新设计你的映射代码,所以我把它合并到我的表初始化代码中;这也消除了许多翻译错误的机会:) 你的encode()
具有与 相同的值OldEncoder.encode()
,并且还能够使用前导第 4 个字符对字符串进行编码。NewEncoder.encode()
. 我还检查了前缀字符串的字节数组值是否不复制非前缀字符串的任何值;最后,编码的前缀字符串确实可以转换回相同的前缀字符串。
package tequilaguy;
public class NewConverter {
private static final String[] b2s = new String[0x10000];
private static final int[] s2b = new int[0x10000];
static {
* Create the "byte to string" conversion table.
private static void createb2s() {
// Fill 17576 elements of the array with b -> s equivalents.
// index is the combined byte value of the old encode fn;
// value is the String (3 chars).
for (char a='A'; a<='Z'; a++) {
for (char b='A'; b<='Z'; b++) {
for (char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) {
String str = new String(new char[] { a, b, c});
byte[] enc = OldConverter.encode(str);
int index = ((enc[0] & 0xFF) << 8) | (enc[1] & 0xFF);
b2s[index] = str;
// int value = 676 * a + 26 * b + c - ((676 + 26 + 1) * 'A'); // 45695;
// System.out.format("%s : %02X%02X = %04x / %04x %n", str, enc[0], enc[1], index, value);
// Fill 17576 elements of the array with b -> @s equivalents.
// index is the next free (= not null) array index;
// value = the String (@ + 3 chars)
int freep = 0;
for (char a='A'; a<='Z'; a++) {
for (char b='A'; b<='Z'; b++) {
for (char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) {
String str = "@" + new String(new char[] { a, b, c});
while (b2s[freep] != null) freep++;
b2s[freep] = str;
// int value = 676 * a + 26 * b + c - ((676 + 26 + 1) * 'A') + (26 * 26 * 26);
// System.out.format("%s : %02X%02X = %04x / %04x %n", str, 0, 0, freep, value);
* Create the "string to byte" conversion table.
* Done by inverting the "byte to string" table.
private static void creates2b() {
for (int b=0; b<0x10000; b++) {
String s = b2s[b];
if (s != null) {
int sval;
if (s.length() == 3) {
sval = 676 * s.charAt(0) + 26 * s.charAt(1) + s.charAt(2) - ((676 + 26 + 1) * 'A');
} else {
sval = 676 * s.charAt(1) + 26 * s.charAt(2) + s.charAt(3) - ((676 + 26 + 1) * 'A') + (26 * 26 * 26);
s2b[sval] = b;
public static byte[] encode(String str) {
int sval;
if (str.length() == 3) {
sval = 676 * str.charAt(0) + 26 * str.charAt(1) + str.charAt(2) - ((676 + 26 + 1) * 'A');
} else {
sval = 676 * str.charAt(1) + 26 * str.charAt(2) + str.charAt(3) - ((676 + 26 + 1) * 'A') + (26 * 26 * 26);
int bval = s2b[sval];
return new byte[] { (byte) (bval >> 8), (byte) (bval & 0xFF) };
public static String decode(byte[] b) {
int bval = ((b[0] & 0xFF) << 8) | (b[1] & 0xFF);
return b2s[bval];
我在代码中留下了一些复杂的常量表达式,尤其是 26 次幂的东西。否则代码看起来非常神秘。您可以将它们保持原样而不会损失性能,因为编译器会像 Kleenexes 一样将它们折叠起来。
package tequilaguy;
public class ConverterHarness {
// private static void runOldEncoder() {
// for (char a='A'; a<='Z'; a++) {
// for (char b='A'; b<='Z'; b++) {
// for (char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) {
// String str = new String(new char[] { a, b, c});
// byte[] enc = OldConverter.encode(str);
// System.out.format("%s : %02X%02X%n", str, enc[0], enc[1]);
// }
// }
// }
// }
private static void testNewConverter() {
for (char a='A'; a<='Z'; a++) {
for (char b='A'; b<='Z'; b++) {
for (char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) {
String str = new String(new char[] { a, b, c});
byte[] oldEnc = OldConverter.encode(str);
byte[] newEnc = NewConverter.encode(str);
byte[] newEnc2 = NewConverter.encode("@" + str);
System.out.format("%s : %02X%02X %02X%02X %02X%02X %s %s %n",
str, oldEnc[0], oldEnc[1], newEnc[0], newEnc[1], newEnc2[0], newEnc2[1],
NewConverter.decode(newEnc), NewConverter.decode(newEnc2));
public static void main(String[] args) {