I am using Sencha Touch 2
I have a list of items, on tap it will be navigate to a view related to that item. On that view there is a Back Button and a Skip button in navigation bar. On back it will navigate to list menu. On skip it will navigate to view related to next item in the list.
Example- Lets say there are five items(1,2,3,4,5) in the list and if I tap on Item 1 now it will navigate to the view related to item 1, on that view if I tap Skip button It will directly switch to the view related to Item 2 and if i tap back button, then i want it to navigate to list(or list menu) directly.(not to view related to item 1) and so on with Item 3,4,5 on further tap.
For this - I am doing pop() operation for current view and then push(next view).
Step 1- this.getMyNav().pop(1); (POP Item 1)
Step 2- this.getMyNav().push(next view object); (Push item 2)
Sometimes It is showing this error - TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'item.element.detach') in sencha touch 2 in console. But application is working even with that error in console.(Safari Browser)
Is there any fix to this? or is there any alternative to do this?