<select id="getFeedbackEntities" resultType="map" parameterType="map">
SELECT * FROM feed_back
WHERE (DATE(sumit_time) BETWEEN #{startDate} AND #{endDate})
AND (comment LIKE #{keyword} OR city LIKE #{keyword} OR isp LIKE #{keyword})
<if test="type > 0">
AND type = #{type}
<if test="reason > 0">
AND reason = #{reason}
ORDER BY #{sort} #{order} LIMIT #{offset}, #{limit}
<select id="getFeedbackCount" resultType="int" parameterType="map">
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM feed_back
WHERE (DATE(sumit_time) BETWEEN #{startDate} AND #{endDate})
AND (comment LIKE #{keyword} OR city LIKE #{keyword} OR isp LIKE #{keyword})
<if test="type > 0">
AND type = #{type}
<if test="reason > 0">
AND reason = #{reason}
我用相同的参数调用它们。这两个 sql 在单独的环境中工作正常,而在 webapp 中,第二个得到了错误的结果。我真的很困惑。