I am working on an open source Android library to implement a modern-looking menu that relies heavily on gestures: http://omtinez.github.io/ohmenu/

I was able to successfully implement all the functionality that I wanted but when a user performs a long-press, the chain of touch events breaks and the rest of the listeners don't get any touch events until the user lifts the finger and touches the screen again. In other words, none of the listeners receives any touch events after a long press. Is there any way to disable the long-press listener in OnGestureListener? Alternatively, is there a way to re-send the touch event so the rest of the listeners can consume it after the long-press?

Here is the class that takes care of it all: https://github.com/omtinez/ohmenu/blob/master/src/com/omtinez/ohmenu/OhmenuView.java

Thank you, Oscar


1 回答 1


有一种setLongpressEnabled方法。如果将此设置为 false,则应禁用长按。

于 2013-09-12T02:13:02.103 回答