不确定这段代码有什么问题,我刚开始使用 Python 2.7,并且遇到了这个 bmi 计算器脚本的问题。

def bmi_calculator():

    print "Enter your appelation (Mr., Mrs., Dr., ...): "
    appelation = raw_input()
    print "Enter your first name: "
    fname = raw_input()
    print "Enter your last name: "
    lname = raw_input()
    print "Enter your height in inches: "
    height = raw_input()
    print "Enter your weight in pounds: "
    weight = raw_input()

    feet = (height/12)
    inches = (height-feet)*12
    bmi = ((weight/(height*height))*703)

    print "BMI Record for %s %s %s:" % (appelation,fname,lname)
    print "Subject is %d feet %d inches tall and weighs %d pounds" %    (feet,inches,weight)
    print "Subject's BMI is %d" % (bmi)



Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "a1.py", line 88, in bmi_calculator
feet = (height/12)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'

1 回答 1


您需要将 fromstr转换为数字类型,例如float

def bmi_calculator():
    print "Enter your appelation (Mr., Mrs., Dr., ...): "
    appelation = raw_input()
    print "Enter your first name: "
    fname = raw_input()
    print "Enter your last name: "
    lname = raw_input()
    print "Enter your height in inches: "
    height = float(raw_input())
    print "Enter your weight in pounds: "
    weight = float(raw_input())
    feet = float((height/12))
    inches = (height-feet)*12
    bmi = ((weight/(height*height))*703)
    print "BMI Record for %s %s %s:" % (appelation,fname,lname)
    print "Subject is %d feet %d inches tall and weighs %d pounds" %    (feet,inches,weight)
    print "Subject's BMI is %d" % (bmi)
于 2013-09-11T01:02:55.917 回答