有人可以帮我将一些代码从 arduino 项目翻译成 netmf。这是我从 arduino 项目中得到的:

int angle = 3000//angle is int 500 to 5500

unsigned int temp;
byte pos_hi,pos_low;

temp = angle & 0x1f80;  //get bits 8 thru 13 of position
pos_hi = temp >> 7;     //shift bits 8 thru 13 by 7
pos_low = angle & 0x7f; //get lower 7 bits of position

这将如何转化为 C# 中的 netmf 项目?


1 回答 1

uint angle = 3000;//angle is int 500 to 5500

uint temp;
byte pos_hi,pos_low;

temp = angle & 0x1f80;  //get bits 8 thru 13 of position
pos_hi = (byte) (temp >> 7);     //shift bits 8 thru 13 by 7
pos_low = (byte) (angle & 0x7f); //get lower 7 bits of position
于 2013-09-11T21:58:52.350 回答