I am going to use Laravel 4 queues and integrate them with Iron.io All of that is pretty straight forward, and I dont think I am going to have problems with that.

Thing that interests me is what is the best way to get status once task is completed?

Iron.io is going to do return call to my server to trigger job, and once that job completes I need to notify user about that...

How could I store this responses, and still be aware of job its related to, because there will be number of different job types?

I would like to hear how did you implement this.



1 回答 1



  1. 希望有一份工作足够快,以便在用户仍在浏览器中时完成
  2. 使用某种方式将数据推送回您的网络浏览器。


  1. 网络套接字
  2. 服务器发送的事件
  3. 长轮询 - 使用 ajax
于 2013-09-11T13:21:48.680 回答