我在 python 课上,对 python 知之甚少。我遇到了一些问题,正在尝试解决这些问题。请注意,我不是要代码解决方案。我只是在寻找反馈和帮助。
教科书的清单 3.4:ComputeChange.py,接受一美元和美分的金额,并输出由便士、镍币、一角硬币、四分之一和 Sacagawea 组成的硬币的多集(可以包含多个元素副本的集合)具有最小基数的美元。你的任务是修改这个程序如下:
2) 输出具有最小基数的多组硬币,其价值等于使用上图所示的八个支配所导致的零钱。注意:在现代英国系统中,1 磅等于 100 便士。
3) 以下面指定的格式输出结果。你的总变化是:£□□□□.□□
a) 上面的空框由正确的到期总零钱的数字(或空格)代替。
b) >1 的数字在 4 个空格的字段内右对齐。
c) 必须显示小数点后两位数,即使是零。
#The Pound Is Sinking
# Receive the amount
amount = float(input("Enter the amount"))
# convert the amount to pence
remainingamount = int(amount * 100)
# find the number of two pounds
numberOfTwoPounds = remainingAmount // 200
remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 200
# find the number of one pound
numberOfOnePounds = remainingAmount // 100
remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 100
# find the number of fifty pence
numberOfFiftyPence = remainingAmount // 50
remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 50
# find the number of twenty pence
numberOfTwentyPence = remainingAmount // 20
remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 20
# find the number of ten pence
numberOfTenPence = remainingAmount // 10
remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 10
# find the number of five pence
numberOfFivePence = remainingAmount // 5
remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 5
# find the number of two pence in the remaining amount
numberOfTwoPence = remainingAmount // 2
remainingAmount = remainingAmount % 2