但是程序中有一些东西,我不知道为什么,它会自动跳过第三个输入数据-> 结束程序。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int ex_rate_into_vnd = 20000; //! Exchange Rate
int beer = 7000; //! Local price of a beer
float in_c = 0; //! Input amount of money
float out_c = 2; //! Amount of currency to exchange !
float choice; //! Switch mode
char buy; //! Deal or not
//! Introduction
printf ("||---------------------------------------------------||\n");
printf ("|| Currency Exchange Machine beta ||\n");
printf ("||---------------------------------------------------||\n");
printf ("Please choose your option:\n");
printf("\t 1.Exchange VND to dollar\n");
printf("\t 2.Exchange Dollar to VND\n");
printf("Your choice: ",choice);
} while( choice != 1 && choice != 2);
printf ("Please enter amount of money:");
if (choice == 1 )
out_c = in_c / ex_rate_into_vnd;
printf ("Your amount of money: %.2f",out_c);
out_c = in_c * ex_rate_into_vnd;
printf ("Your amount of money: %.0f",out_c);
//! End of Exchanging
printf ("\nWould you like to buy a beer (y/n) ?",buy);
scanf("%c", &buy);
if (buy == 'y')
if (out_c >= 7000)
out_c = out_c - 7000;
printf("Transactions success !\n");
printf("Your amount: %2.f",out_c);
printf ("\nWhy Stop ?");
return 0;