I am developing an application in Oracle ADF that needs to apply a user login authentication.

The security protocol followed by the company is to read the username from the Windows Credentials and checking if that username exists in a certain database table. The applications that use this policy are usually JSP or .NET applications and do this by setting response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "NTLM") which pops the authentication dialog then reads the username entered and calls an SQL query to check if that username exists in the database and checks the role.

I need to implement that in ADF and I cannot find a way to do so. All the information that I've found is regarding configuring realms in the WebLogic and using an SQLAuthenticate on the Weblogic server.

I tried putting the code in a managed bean using beforePhase on the view and it didn't work.

What can I do?


1 回答 1



  1. 检查this Question和this java library并为身份验证行为创建一个Servlet,但是这样你将无法使ADF Security工作,你必须自己实现Security
  2. 检查这篇文章那篇文章以使用 Weblogic 启用 Kerberos,并在 web.xml 中的 ADF 应用程序中将安全性设置为 CLIENT-CERT,如果您设法使用该 ADF 安全性应该可以正常工作
  3. 考虑使用 Oracle Single Sign On 解决方案,该解决方案需要您为许可证付费

PS:所有这些解决方案只能在 IE 和 Chrome 上开箱即用,您必须进行一些配置才能使其与 firefox 一起使用,

于 2013-09-10T15:48:25.873 回答