我正在尝试将此 HTML 保存到 HTML 文件中。这段代码有两个问题。
我已尝试使用 Chr(34) 而不是 " 来修复此购买,但它仍然使我陷入错误 2
2. 当我打开 HTML 文件时,它的所有文本都有引号,看起来很垃圾
Dim nFileNum as Integer
nFileNum = 4
Open "WebWindow.html" For Output As #nFileNum 'Open the file to put information into
Write #nFileNum, "<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1" />" 'Refresh Script
Write #nFileNum, "<P>10% Through the current test:</p>"
Write #nFileNum, "<p>Invoices 1/20 (processing)</p>"
Write #nFileNum, "<p>POs 0/20 (waiting)</p>"
Close #nFileNum 'Close the File
使用双引号是可行的,但 Web 窗口中的输出现在如下所示:
"" "
10% Through the current test:
" "
Invoices 1/20 (processing)
" "
POs 0/20 (waiting)
在 HTML 文件中,它看起来像这样:
"<meta http-equiv=""refresh"" content=""1"" />"
"<P>10% Through the current test:</p>"
"<p>Invoices 1/20 (processing)</p>"
"<p>POs 0/20 (waiting)</p>"
*编辑编辑!固定的 *
我用双引号解决了问题 1(谢谢你们)并自己解决了问题 2。我没有使用 Write,而是使用了 Print。Print 与 write 执行相同的操作,但不会将引号与字符串一起放入文件中。
Function WebOutput()
Dim nFileNum As Integer
Dim Line2 As String
Line2 = "<P>10% Through the current test:</p>"
nFileNum = 4
Open "C:\TestPartner\Config\WebWindow.html" For Output As #nFileNum 'Open the file to put information into
Print #nFileNum, "<meta http-equiv=""refresh"" content=""1"" />" 'Refresh Script
Print #nFileNum, Line2
Print #nFileNum, "<p>Invoices 1/20 (processing)</p>"
Print #nFileNum, "<p>POs 0/20 (waiting)</p>"
Close #nFileNum 'Close the File