我在互联网上找到了一个教程(http://www.locked.nl)来永久打开闪光灯。在 StartRecording() 方法中,我在调用该方法两次时遇到异常。另外,如何停止录制?非常感谢



public class VideoCamera
    private object _videoCamera;
    private PropertyInfo _videoCameraLampEnabledPropertyInfo;
    private MethodInfo _videoCameraStartRecordingMethod;
    private MethodInfo _videoCameraStopRecordingMethod;
    private EventHandler _videoCameraInitialized;

    public object InnerCameraObject
        get { return _videoCamera; }

    public bool LampEnabled
        get { return (bool)_videoCameraLampEnabledPropertyInfo.GetGetMethod().Invoke(_videoCamera, new object[0]); }
        set { _videoCameraLampEnabledPropertyInfo.GetSetMethod().Invoke(_videoCamera, new object[] { value }); }

    public VideoCamera()
        // Load the media extended assembly which contains the extended video camera object.
        Assembly mediaExtendedAssembly = Assembly.Load("Microsoft.Phone.Media.Extended, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=24eec0d8c86cda1e");

        // Get the camera source type (primary camera).
        Type cameraSourceType = mediaExtendedAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.Phone.CameraSource");
        FieldInfo field = cameraSourceType.GetField("PrimaryCamera");
        object cameraSource = Enum.ToObject(cameraSourceType, (int)field.GetValue(cameraSourceType));

        // Create the video camera object.
        Type videoCameraType = mediaExtendedAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.Phone.VideoCamera");
        ConstructorInfo videoCameraConstructor = videoCameraType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { cameraSourceType });
        _videoCamera = videoCameraConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { cameraSource });

        // Set the properties and methods.
        _videoCameraLampEnabledPropertyInfo = videoCameraType.GetProperty("LampEnabled");
        _videoCameraStartRecordingMethod = videoCameraType.GetMethod("StartRecording");
        _videoCameraStopRecordingMethod = videoCameraType.GetMethod("StopRecording");

        // Let the initialize event bubble through.
        _videoCameraInitialized = new EventHandler(VideoCamera_Initialized);
        MethodInfo addInitializedEventMethodInfo = videoCameraType.GetMethod("add_Initialized");
        addInitializedEventMethodInfo.Invoke(_videoCamera, new object[] { _videoCameraInitialized });

    /// <summary>
    /// Occurs when the camera object has been initialized.
    /// </summary>
    public event EventHandler Initialized;

    /// <summary>
    /// Videoes the camera_ initialized.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
    /// <param name="eventArgs">The event args.</param>
    private void VideoCamera_Initialized(object sender, object eventArgs)
        if (Initialized != null)
            Initialized.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
    public bool IsRecording { get; private set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Start recording.
    /// </summary>
    public void StartRecording()
         _videoCameraStartRecordingMethod.Invoke(_videoCamera, new object[0]);

    public void StopRecording()



和这个类 VideoCameraVisualizer

public class VideoCameraVisualizer : UserControl
    private object _cameraVisualizer;
    private MethodInfo _cameraVisualizerSetSourceMethod;

    public VideoCameraVisualizer()
        // Load the media extended assembly which contains the extended video camera object.
        Assembly mediaExtendedAssembly = Assembly.Load("Microsoft.Phone.Media.Extended, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=24eec0d8c86cda1e");

        // Get the camera source type (primary camera).
        Type cameraVisualizerType = mediaExtendedAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.Phone.CameraVisualizer");
        ConstructorInfo cameraVisualizerConstructor = cameraVisualizerType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
        _cameraVisualizer = cameraVisualizerConstructor.Invoke(null);

        // Set the properties and methods.
        _cameraVisualizerSetSourceMethod = cameraVisualizerType.GetMethod("SetSource");

    public void SetSource(VideoCamera camera)
        // Invoke the set source method on the camera visualizer object.
        _cameraVisualizerSetSourceMethod.Invoke(_cameraVisualizer, new object[] { camera.InnerCameraObject });


现在在 MainPage 中,我有这个给出错误的代码。

    private void ContentPanel_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // Check to see if the camera is available on the device.
        if (PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.Primary))
            // Use standard camera on back of device.
            videoCam = new VideoCamera();

            // Event is fired when the video camera object has been initialized.
            videoCam.Initialized += VideoCamera_Initialized;

            // Add the photo camera to the video source
            CameraVisualizer = new VideoCameraVisualizer();
        else MessageBox.Show("No Flash supported for Your Device. Try Color Button");

    private void VideoCamera_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
        videoCam.LampEnabled = true;

    private void FlashButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        if (count % 2 == 0)

            videoCam.LampEnabled = true;

            videoCam.LampEnabled = false;




1 回答 1



阅读这篇 SO 帖子 - 如何在 Windows Phone 7 中使用反射停止 LED 手电筒/手电筒应用程序

PS 这是一篇关于在 Windows Phone 应用程序中使用摄像头主题的不错的博客文章

于 2013-09-10T10:51:17.300 回答