I have a button at the end of a guide that says Done!I need it to bring up Facebook posting dialogue and also segue back to the menu screen
At the moment I have it opening a Facebook posting screen, which pops up and goes back down when you click post or cancel. I would like it to return to the menu after the facebook process has completed. I have followed a guide on how segue programatically and have added the code to my current postToFacebook IBAction but it didn't work. I then tried to create it's own IBAction and link it to the button but it didnt work either. Does anyone know how I can get it to segue after the Facebook dialogue Heres my code for facebook posting in case you need it
- (IBAction)PostToFacebook:(id)sender {
mySLComposerSheet = [[SLComposeViewController alloc] init];
mySLComposerSheet = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook];
[mySLComposerSheet setInitialText:@"I just followed a guide on this App - Get it on the App Store http://"];
[self presentViewController:mySLComposerSheet animated:YES completion:nil];
And heres the code for the programatic segue
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"next" sender:self]; }